Hey cool thanks for this! Love learning about language and have never even heard this term before , or I guess as Bernie would say “I have Nevah even head of this tem befoe” lol
Most words will sound different every few miles. There are countless regional accents, meaning there is no right or wrong. I'm northern Irish and I say mir instead of mirror. It's wrong but it's not wrong, if you know what I mean.
You should hear how us mountain folk pronounce it.
Awl-uh-garky, or all-uh-gurky are the two most common at my shooting club (and yes, left wing shooting clubs exist in the south, even here in the sticks).
The second vowel is an unstressed "i". In most varieties of English, since it is unstressed, we pronounce it as a schwa, which sounds roughly like "uh".
If you'd like to articulate that syllable, like you might do in French, then pronounce it like the "i" in "sit". That's completely optional.