Where might one find more information on this?
Not to defend Elmo but I feel like that’s a fairly normal thing for most species? If our ancestors didn’t have a breeding kink we wouldn’t be here.
At the risk of sounding like a shill, I like Kagi.
When my elderly, and tech illiterate family ask how to switch from Windows; I’m sorry but I’m not telling them to use Linux because they’re going to harass me nonstop for tech support.
At best this will be the year of macOS, because there’s a store I can send them to for all their questions.
This why it pays to use a search engine that lets you blocklist sites
Ah another day, another Cloudflare cockup. It would be nice if the service that insists on MitM’ing a huge chunk of the internet could focus a bit more on stability.
Very cool and they should keep doing this, but no one’s CPE is going to be able to do anywhere near this speed unless they plan on giving everyone large enterprises routers for home use.
It will definitely depend on the ISP, but generally for repeated “AUP” violations they will suspend your service entirely.
Interestingly it’s often not technically the data usage that triggers this, its how much utilisation (generally peak utilisation) you cause and high data usage is a by product of that. Bandwidth from an ISP’s core network to their various POIs that customer connections come from is generally quite expensive, and residential broadband connections are fairly low margin. So lets say they’ve got 100Gbps to your POI that could realistically service many thousands of people, a single connection worth €/$10-15 a month occupying 10% of that is cause for concern.
If you do 800TB in a month on any residential service you’re getting fair use policy’ed before the first day is over, sadly.
Post takes days, weeks, even months. Food delivery is minutes, and point-to-point.
My original half joking comment was about mosquitos not having any concept of language. Somehow you’ve made that into an issue about people misgendering my cat, something which my cat does not care or even know about. If someone refers to my cat as the “wrong” pronouns, I don’t bother correcting them because, again, it’s a cat who has no interest in such things.
I’ve never told anyone “hey my cat prefers they/them”, because my cat much like the mosquitos doesn’t have any such concept.
The females use she/it pronouns.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but to the best of my knowledge I don't think mosquitos have the concept of language.
They either get paid by the click, or paid upfront if they're big enough. Me watching them recite the marketing material for Raid, Nord, Raycon, Better Help, or any other scam/landfill they've chosen to sell doesn't affect them financially.
DNS-based Adblock like NextDNS (paid service), or PiHole (DIY option). Sadly that won't skip sponsored segments though, you'll still have to hear all about whatever scam or wish.com garbage they've decided to shill.
I don't want to be a downer, but realistically considering the impact of this Canada is probably going to have to acquiesce at least temporarily.
Trump is applying cold, calculating business logic to this; Canada needs to do business with the US to a large degree, if that becomes costly their (relatively) small economy becomes less viable without reform which they don't have time to implement.
Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% behind Canada in fighting this but realistically it's not a fight they're going to win.
I'm not the person you were asking, but I recently tried tried Tuta with my own domain and decided to look elsewhere due to a few things;
- No way to import mail, despite it being announced as "worked on" back in 2022. This is a fairly huge blocker IMO.
- Email rules don't seem to apply until you view (and I assume decrypt) your mailbox. This led to some annoying behaviour like push notifications for emails that should have had rules applied to them.
- Spam filtering is all over the place - it's overzealous and filters legitimate emails, and at the same time it lets in plenty of actual spam.
- The mobile apps are odd - you get realtime push notifications, but when you open the app and view your mailbox, it takes 20-30 seconds for it to show the email it just notified you about (even if you tap the notification).
- Their history of outages and instability are a big cause for concern IMO. Email is a crucial service, so uptime, deliverability, and data integrity are paramount.
For routine/non-sensitive email, they feel like too much hassle for the average punter in my opinion. And if I put on my industry hat; their frequent downtime is a huge red flag, and a sign that they either don't know what they're doing or don't have enough cash to operate properly.
Having said that, I still think they're the best current option if privacy/encryption is your only concern - to the best of my knowledge no one else takes that quite as seriously as they do.
Hmmm I’ll have to check what Moses said about that
I think the criteria here is “how many verses from the Book of Revelation have they fulfilled” rather than their competency as president.
Yes, we agree. I was just pointing out that it's quite a lot of that something, which is a good thing!
But you're right it would be good to see some consensus from other non-religious moral authorities.