Meme fact: hummingbirds are actually just Australian mosquitos that have become invasive species around the world.
49 1 ReplyToo friendly to be anything related to Australia.
15 0 ReplyBut hummingbirds are fucking dickheads.
9 0 ReplyHummingbirds are omnivorous after all.
1 0 Reply
Pretty much .. source, I live here. The mosquitoes near the airport require landing clearance.
41 0 ReplyGood thing you don't have much noise pollution regulation or they would be illegal!!
5 0 Reply
That's probably a male mosquito and it thinks that's a flower. Just trying to be a pollinator pally.
29 0 ReplyThat is the most Australian image I have ever seen.
18 0 ReplyThe mozzies and flies are insane.
8 0 ReplyMozzies hate me for some reason, they avoid me all the time, like I could be the last choice for a starving mozzie and he'd still have to think about it.
7 0 ReplyMale mosquitoes don't bite. The blood is used to grow eggs by females. The females use she/it pronouns.
6 12 ReplyThe females use she/it pronouns.
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but to the best of my knowledge I don't think mosquitos have the concept of language.
2 1 Reply
He hates these cans!
6 0 ReplyNow there's a movie I haven't thought about in a long time... Thanks!
2 0 ReplyMy pleasure! Have a cuppa pizza!
1 0 Reply
That's a big fucker.
2 0 Reply