Haven't personally looked at the dev tools too much, but even if they come from the same domain, of the path had a unique pattern when it's ads vs content you could use a decrypting proxy. I don't know if the PS4 can install a custom certificate or proxy settings, the intercepted cert would possibly cause problems, but it may be possible.
DNS-based Adblock like NextDNS (paid service), or PiHole (DIY option). Sadly that won't skip sponsored segments though, you'll still have to hear all about whatever scam or wish.com garbage they've decided to shill.
I'm allergic to advertisement, I'd rather not watch a video at all than watching the ads in it. SponsorBlock for me is just an automation of what I would do anyway pressing forward 5-7 times to jump over this section. I will not buy this stuff anyway it's just a waste of my time. I go even so far that I don't mind paying for YouTube Premium because this removes the advertisement, but there is no way to pay for skipping sponsors automatically other than SponsorBlock.
The Tuber already got paid by the sponsor. And sponsors look at click trough and conversion rates not views. If I’m not going to buy what they are selling me I might as well skip the ad. I don’t need NordVPN or Squarespace or whatever shit they are trying to push on me.
If you want to support a creator, give them a quarter and block the ads. Seriously. That quarter is worth more than any ad revenue they will ever get from you watching their videos.
I legit hate this take. YT was started as a way for everyone to share videos with each other, not be a corporate pusher for those that want to 'go big'. The fact that YT even offered profit sharing is awful.
Yeah, go ahead and support who you like. But don't sit there and be like "you're hurting them if you don't pay them and you don't want their bullshit ads". Get the fuck out of here with that shit. "creators" who "make a living" from YT are the reason YT is a cesspool of dogshit now. If you aren't on YT because of a genuine desire to simply share videos, without expecting monitary kickbacks to support your life, gtfo. The support should come naturally through other avenues.
They either get paid by the click, or paid upfront if they're big enough. Me watching them recite the marketing material for Raid, Nord, Raycon, Better Help, or any other scam/landfill they've chosen to sell doesn't affect them financially.
sponsorblock lets you unskip things so you can watch any sponsor you like. it also helps skip all sorts of non content, not just ads so it's useful either way. you can set it to auto skip, no skip, manual skip prompt, only marked for any type of content (intro, intermission, filler, sponsor etc) not using it is just stupid.
with all that said, I don't think sponsorblock affects creators at all. I highly doubt sponsors look at how much specific sections of a video has been watched. they only care about how popular a creator is, who their audience is and what they say during the sponsored section.
even if they decide whether to continue sponsoring based on how well the previous sponsored video did, the important metric would be the view count of the video, not how many people watched or skipped an ad section specifically.
if that were important creators wouldn't split their sponsored sections in time codes they provide because they know it's an easy skip. more importantly regardless of the creators, the sponsors would simply ask not to do it as part of the agreement. (inb4 legal requirement: I'm not talking about disclosure; I'm talking time codes specifically)
in a dystopian future, not so distant they will obligate you have a cam connected all times to track your eyes movement to make sure that you saw the ads
I usually don't watch YouTube on my playstation but yesterday I did and every 10 minutes it played a 2-minute unskippable ad and I simply turned off my TV. 10/10 very effective.
I'm gonna patent a robot that uses Deepseek to identify forece-response ads on the telly, and it automatically responds to the ad in lieu of the human.
Watch me fuck off from the platform at the speed of light - I am already halfway from going full "fuck it, let's pretend it's '99" and hanging out on phpbb forums and Neocities.
That’s when I copy the URL, close the window, and download the video without the ad.
Downie for MacOS or yt-dlp at the command line. When those stop working, and if there’s no alternative, I will stop watching YT videos. I will not be harassed by ads. There’s already more content than I have time to consume.
On my smart tv i set up the custom picture settings profile with the black level set so the only thing visible is the ad timer counter. So when an ad comes on I just switch it to custom picture profile and mute it, then switch back to standard when its finished.
Edit: Use the link in the reply below. I've had it installed for years, didn't realise it's changed 😁
Thanks, perfectly_boiled_pizza
Download and install the APK through Downloader app or USB, only takes a few mins following instructions.
Devs keep it very regularly up to date. SponsorBlock included. Many excellent additional features making it way better at being YouTube than the YouTube app could ever be.
That's not the official site. It has an old version (July 2024) and the file might contain malware. You can safely download the latest version from GitHub and find their updated guide there.
Robert Rankin’s “Armageddon” trilogy has something like this, where Actively Viewing pays you rehousing credits, so the main character has developed away to sleep with his eyes wide open, as if actually watching the screen.
anyone got a solution for apple tv? found one app but it works through invidious and invidious doesn’t really work anymore. even tried hosting my own at home but nothing :(
I ended up manually downloading my subscriptions using Freetube and yt-dlp and throwing them in my Plex server. I don't watch a huge amount so I'm happy to spend 20 minutes a couple of times a week doing it. There are ways to automate the process but I've never been able to wrap my head around it.