Yeah, I’d never seen it used in this way either. They use it mostly to modify config files, which gives you a lot of control over most things on a Linux box. We also use it for Macs to do things like create a standardized local administrator account (since Apple doesn’t have a LAPS equivalent). It’s a pretty tangled web but we have an old-school Linux admin who keeps it all ticking (we just worry about his ticker!).
Good luck!
I work in a higher ed org that uses a mix of (mostly) Red Hat servers and Windows & Mac endpoints; the Linux-focused admins use Ansible for things I’d do with either GPOs (if it’s something tried & true) or Intune (if it’s some half-baked newness and campus IT would actually give my group the permissions) in Windows.
A slide out case? That actually sounds pretty sweet
Saving this thread, I hope you get some useful replies. I have a Windows machine with 16GB of RAM and Firefox is consistently sitting on about 15.6 of them. (Yes, I have horrible tab discipline lol)
I read enough accounts of pain on Gleba to want to start elsewhere. Vulcanus is cool but I didn’t want to mess around with the worms (and cliiiiiiiffs, so many cliffs) until I had the mech suit, so I ended up heading to Fulgora first. I really liked fighting the environment (lightning) instead of mobs, and the mech armor + recyclers aren’t too hard to get your hands on. Pentapods are a lot less threatening now : D
Don’t you hate it when your computer gets all bricked up?
Maybe 9 Bit Armies? I feel it’s more similar to C&C than RoN, but I loved the heck out of RoN back in the day and 9BA is pretty fun. The battleships are a hoot, they hit really hard and have range for days, which combines well with the destructible bridges.
Edit: Whoops, did not read closely enough to see you’re on a Mac. 9BA might work, this person seems to have had luck
There isn’t a historical element in 9BA but you do get air & naval units
Maybe check out Roboquest? I was looking for a mindless FPS a few weeks ago (my usual go-to is UT2004, I’m old :]) and the Roboquest demo scratched the itch pretty well. Planning to pick up the full version when I see it go on sale
That looks like T2’s Flexport site to me, wow! I’ve configured the backend for (an instance of) that beast, it is quite the mess!
3008 and its maze of furniture packaging
Eternally trapped within a flat-pack labyrinth
The faculty member probably got nuked from orbit, sponsoring orgs would be horrified to learn that a PI (principal investigator) they funded had misrepresented their credentials that badly.
Does that page have any actual content between the ads?
I agree with you, but, where’s the typo?? I’ve read through it a couple times and can’t seem to spot it.
I didn’t read it as smug, in that case they would’ve provided the spelling correction without the explanation (reddit-style). Here I feel like they’re just being friendly to people for whom English is a second language.
I do appreciate your explanation, it is clear enough to make Admiral Cloudberg proud : ). (if you don’t get the reference, check out her Medium articles, they’re fantastic!)
Phooey, I am old enough to get this reference!