44 0 ReplySYN
14 0 ReplyJust got a crazy Baader-Meinhoff phenomenon with this. I saw your reply and then a couple hours later I'm reading about GeoIP blocking on my router
6 0 Reply
No one said tea can spellcheck
5 0 Reply
Feels sad and relatable...
18 0 ReplyYes, Dr. Fells is very sad.
3 0 ReplyOuch. Fixed it now, thanks.
3 0 Reply
someone forgot they're standing on the shoulders of giants
12 0 Reply"They say great science is built on the shoulders of giants. Not here. At Aperture, we do all our science from scratch. No hand holding."
10 0 Replyi would like to thank rhafidd for inventing the wheel
9 0 Reply
Fuck all of you parasites criticizing the extortion power of my patent protection.
2 0 Replyancknowledgements
1 0 ReplySounds nice, but all of information is empirical. They have people to thank.
1 0 Reply
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