It must be awkward to hold and type with it all the way on the bottom. Like when tablets are bezeless and there's no way to hold it without touching the touch screen.
Slide out on the long length would be nice. like a little laptop.
I have some rough sketches to build my own for an older pixel + a dac to have a jack back. But i never was able to find a flat cable usb c that would break out all wires. So i had to scrap the project unfortunately.
Funny how handset manufacturers keep on designing borderless devices you can't pick up without interacting with, with unusable and frustrating touch-keyboards, and users of them keep creating cases with grip points, chins, and keyboards.
Almost like the industry isn't making what people want, and hasn't in a long time.
I would love this if they made a slide-out version. Phones are gigantic already, adding another chin to them just makes them entirely unpocketable. The weird one here is the one for the Razr+. I daily a Razr+ and the whole reason is that it folds into a compact size, why would I add this thing to the bottom??