Given the username, I'd say that is the case:
"TerpTheatre is both a source of information about theatre interpreting and a tradition of theatre interpreters in the shadowed strategy. "
As long as the aquafaba is salt-free, it makes an awesome substitute for egg whites in mixed drinks. Whiskey sours are absolutely elevated with this substitution.
And this comes from a guy who isn't a vegan. Try it out, folks. You won't regret it.
I've thought about tube vs tubeless with regular riding, like commuting, and have a slightly different conclusion. For the record, I'm 100% tubed and still haven't managed to give away sealant that I got for free.
Tubeless has two nice commuting/regular-riding benefits. First is when there are frequent encounters small punctures, like thorns or steel wire. The maintenance time benefit of tubes disappears quickly in this case. Minor punctures with tubes can be mitigated with puncture resistant tires or liners, but that compromises ride quality and speed.
Second, every moment of your time isn't created equal. Time when traveling is not as fungible as maintenance time. I can schedule tubeless maintenance. I cannot schedule when I get a puncture. Tubeless is zero delay or just a quick pump-up compared to patching a tube. Even catastrophic punctures are a wash; both setups need a new tube.
What setup to use really does come down to "it depends." Are you always cutting it close to get to where you need to go, but are good with routines? Consider fast tires in a tubeless setup. Do you struggle to maintain your bike or are always early to your destination? Marathon Plus tires with butyl tubes would be a solid choice.
As for me? I only carry patches for most of my rides. It works on every one of my bikes and I'm not usually riding somewhere with less than 15 minutes of buffer time. Although it does suck to patch a tube when riding at night. That's a suck I'm willing to take.
Vietnam is a counter-example with quite effective bicycle troops. Their army and insurgency was supplied with bicycles on the Ho Chi Minh trail.
I don't believe the machine gun is intended to be fired while on the move. You'd have to be grabbing that grip at your crotch, aiming without the sights, all the while peddling and steering. That's quite the tall order. Even under ambush conditions you'd want to get out of the area ASAP, something a bicycle would do better at than on foot.
My presumption is this is intended to be a fast and light machine gun placement. Speedy deployment and movement of machine gun nets without needing to carry all that weight, let along carrying a machine gun's diet of ammunition, on your back is quite an advantage. Dismounting to get behind the gun isn't a high bar nor particularly slow. I'm sure a soldier could be sending lead downrange in a matter of seconds. Essentially the same role as light infantry support vehicles today.
The recoil wouldn't be that bad. Apparently the M1895 was loaded with 6mm Lee Navy at around 2,200J muzzle velocity and a cyclic fire of 450/min. That's quite manageable. In comparison, the M249 is a shoulder mounted gun of 1,800J, 850/min. That's 50% more recoil to manage without a bicycle frame to support the firearm.
I upgraded my license when my grandfather had to move in with my parents so I coul help him setup a smaller shack and assist in operating the radio with him. He deeply appreciated the family time, and I'm sure your Uncle wouldn't mind spending time with you too.
For whatever it's worth, these web interfaces are great at listening and cost nothing. Ask him to help you operate (finding signals and how to listen to them) using a KiwiSDR online. If you find out he's also having fun, then perhaps look into remote radio station equipment. There's a wide selection of transmitting capable SDRs, like FlexRadio, and DIY solutions (e.g. You can even rent remote operation time with incredibly nice hardware in amazing locations (e.g. Perhaps he'll be come interested in another side of ham radio that he hasn't done before either, like working satellite passes. That doesn't take more than one nice, or two very cheap, handheld radios and a small handheld yagi.
Ham radio can be used as voice chat with friends, but that would be a pretty limited view of it. Here's some things that a Discord Voice Chat cannot do that radio can:
- Chat without internet (e.g. places without cell towers).
- Chat without voice. (digital communications of all kinds; email/text, keyboard-to-keyboard, pictures, etc).
- To build an internet (e.g. building WiFi meshes with extra power [AREDN], AX.25 packet, WinLink).
- Used as a tool during emergencies (see ARES/RACES/CERT).
- Chat completely randomly (it's just one big discord channel, but you can only hear some people).
- Chasing the challenge of unusual radio propagation (earth-moon-earth, meteor bounce, tropospheric ducting, aurora).
- Chasing the challenge of collecting the most point-to-point contacts (contests).
- Chasing the challenge of difficult radio propagation (microwave links).
- Constructing and using radios that you cannot buy off the shelf parts with (usually with those funny microwave guys).
- Higher power versions of things unlicensed folks cannot do (RC toys, Meshtastic/LoraWAN, WiFi, etc).
- Historical preservation (restoring old radios, keeping ship-shore coastal stations running [e.g. Maritime Radio Historical Society]).
- Conducting scientific experiments (HamSCI, and I conducted one listening to the ionosphere during the recent total eclipse).
- Building and controlling satellites (AMSAT).
And there's even more. The way to view ham radio is the government grants you a license to operate on many pieces of radio spectrum so long as you can show your technical ability to not cause harm (interference, safety, and things that will prevent you from blowing up your radio as well as find success in using it). What you do with that spectrum is up to you!
Since you brought it up, let's dive into the numbers as presented[1]. The top all-cause is heat disease. A disease that's preventable by moderate exercise (e.g. walking, biking, playing baseball, anything really) and avoiding common legal drugs (tobacco and alcohol being most implicated, but also most available).
Next up, cancer. Also a general class of disease that has many causes, but has also been shown that moderate exercise reduces cancer risk.
COVID and respiratory disease? Preventive measures like vaccines and, again, moderate exercise also reduce this risk. Oh, and cars are a factor in this category (long-term inhaling tailpipe emissions will make your lungs unhealthy).
Opioid overdose (1:55)? Suicide (1:87)? That's somewhat self explanatory to fix, but good medical care and moderate exercise again helps.
Guns? That's all cases of guns. Homicide (1:219) and suicide (1:159) by guns must be rolled up to get to the 1:89 figure. Homicide is a big issue to untangle, like suicide. That said, homicide has been linked to car infrastructure depressing local economies and as a tool in segregating black communities into unfit areas away from economically viable white ones.
Then we're finally down to falls (1:92) and cars (1:93).
What can we take away from this? If you're trying to reduce risk, go for a walk or ride a bike regularly. It'll help you avoid heart disease, improve odds against respiratory diseases, and is a good tool for upping your mental health game. No need to trust me. I'm a dog with a keyboard. Talk to your doctor about it. You may be surprised how effective reducing drinking, stopping smoking, and going out for a walk every day can do.
Whoops, my bad. Pedestrian "incidents" (ran over by car) is the next cause (1:468). Cycling isn't too far behind (1:3,162). Maybe we should continue to drive overhead bad parts of town, inhale our neighbor's car fumes, and enjoy our near-guaranteed death by heart attack and choking.
[1] In the OP's data source. It's a good source, but it is US biased and biased in NHTSA's reporting (e.g. person in hospital from a car, but died >30 days later? That's natural causes.).
Perhaps with your preferred brand(s) of ebikes. This law is targeting Super73 and similar brands that advertise and promote post-sale "off-road" or "unlimited" modifications. These modified bikes have been a nuisance on public trails for a few years now.
Are they? I've seen plenty of well-liked memes of banning cars as well as guns. There are popular posts about banning cars entirely from various developments. Or outright hate and venting when another ghost bike gets installed.
IMHO, the urbanist movement is more focused on infrastructure than fuck cars. Fuck cars is more encompassing than just urbanism and civil engineering.
Not every member of the fuck cars community is about car infrastructure, even though I personally fall into the infrastructure camp.
Say you have the viewpoint that guns should be tightly controlled due to the number of people killed by them. Cars kill approximately the same number of people in the US every year (depending on if you count suicides and if intent is important). If guns are bad for deadly external behaviors, then so are cars. Just like how there are gun ranges or race tracks for responsible ownership, there can be gun related murder and car related murder. Ban guns and ban cars.
Case in point is this very article. It appears to be a hate related crime committed with a car. Germany tightly controls gun ownership, so why would we dismiss tight control of car ownership? Should we allow this person to drive again if he's convicted? Why do we allow DUI drivers, who have killed others before, to continue to drive again? What do devices like ignition interlocks say about us?
Amazing, right? They're a shop oriented towards trike builders. Not only do they have by-the-foot orders for a trike's crazy long chainline, but they offer a la cart parts on their kits! Not just for repairability but also for whatever custom project you'd like to lego together. I've had nothing but good experiences with them. :)
Fairings on trikes aren't new, yet they're not as bad as discussed here. Yes, you're still exposed to the outside. But no, you're not getting drenched in the thing. There's quite a bit of wind protection and a reasonable amount of rain/snow protection. It's like a pogie but for the whole body.
I'd link to my local producers of them, but they're on vacation right now. Apparently TerraCycle ( has joined REI in protesting consumerism this black friday.
The honking thing specifically is another skewed fact. The neighbors want the Waymos, they just had a hard time getting ahold of the right folks at Waymo. That includes Sophia Tung, the neighbor who set up the honking video stream that Jason used.
As a local in the area, I can say for certain that the majority of SF wants the cars there. There's more resistance further down the peninsula, but it's intermixed with anti-taxi messaging. It's hard to tell if it's about the cars or about "those kind of people" having access to their city.
San Francisco neighbors say repeated Waymo honking is keeping them up at night
Christopher Cherry who lives in the building next door said he was "really excited" to have Waymo in the neighborhood, thinking it would bring more security and quiet to the area.
The residents who spoke with NBC Bay Area said they are not opposed to having the Waymo cars nearby. But they say they want to see a more neighborly response from the new autonomous vehicle company on the block.
"We love having them there, we just would like for them to stop honking their horn at four in the morning repeatedly," Cherry said.
San Francisco neighbors say Waymo honking continues, global audience follows along live
The incidents were captured on resident Sophia Tung's YouTube live stream
Tung and many of her neighbors said that they are Waymo customers and actually like the Waymo technology. But what they don't like is the repeated, overnight noise.
Well, formerly operating companies. The Uber and Cruise examples stopped both of them dead. Uber left the business entirely and Cruise had its license to operate revoked.
That's just omitting info. There's also straight up wrong stuff, like residents not wanting it. As crazy as it sounds, at least with SF, the residents' reps wrote the regulation law and haven't had a measure to reject self-driving cars (at least K passed). The majority want to see these cars. Also, Facebook dumped their move fast motto a decade ago because of how bad it was (self-harm problems).
It's unfortunate too. I like Jason's rants, but it's too distracting when he gets a quick google level of facts wrong.
Maumee - 9th Strongest Town Winner
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Change isn't easy but it's possible. A little good news for everyone's feed.
Mozilla invented Rust to rewrite the rendering engine. Read the history of Servo and bring a tissue to cry into.
Parking regulations don't apply to public projects. Strong Towns well documents the problem with parking regulations as they are written and applied in practice. I highly recommend checking it out.
Underground spots are roughly 20 to 50 thousand dollars each. Surface lots are only a few thousand per spot.
Do you want to invest in my coffee shop idea? I need a few million dollars to build the required parking.
Bike lanes on roads are practically free. For example, when repainting the road after resurfacing maintenance. It doesn't take more paint to mark out a bike lane than it does for car parking.
Bike infrastructure at its core is a political issue. If you follow cyclist money, you'll soon find it spent on bicycle advocacy groups. It's the best bang-for-buck and addresses all the other barriers, like shop owners complaining about the free public parking they're not paying for.