A fixie without brakes? With that weight on the handle bar? With the most awkward stance because of that huge metal column piercing the riders sternum?
They really didn't like their soldiers, didn't they?
this reminds me of gta vice city. I used to enable the cheat that allowed cars to fly. One problem: once the car was off the ground it lost traction and all power.
solution: spawn a tank, turn the turret backwards, and use recoil as the airborne thrust.
Shit, that's why my Glock 17 wouldn't fit?? How many times do we have to go over the rules, longer barrel lengths to the back of the line so the average folk have a chance.
No. It has been my dream to have a crotch operated machine gun mounted to a fixed gear bicycle and I'll be damned if I'm going to let you take that away from me.
If you ever have the chance to visit the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, during the educational talk they discuss why the Dutch army wasn't able to resist the German tanks. They show this picture, and at least on our tour said it was ok to laugh.
Amusing...but their web page goes into the more serious reasons. The main one being that the Nazis were going to carpet-bomb Dutch cities if they didn't surrender.