Credit rating measures your profitability to the credit industry, if you pay off your loan early, they make in interest, thus less profit.
Except he's not a dictator any more than Roosevelt was.
You can either turn the generator on or leave it off.
It's not that it wasn't successful, it's that it wasn't within their capability. So getting upset about something that's impossible in order to justify mass slaughter is an exercise in excuse making.
What are Israel's borders? It seems like it conveniently places its borders in one place when it wants to selectively disenfranchise 5 of the 7 millions Arabs, and another when it wants to place settlements.
...and the USS Maddox was struck by the north Vietnamese...
1000 people are going to commit genocide against a country of 7 million? Try to have some sense of the scale of things here.
Not wanting to see a heavily populated civilian area carpet bombed to supposedly target a faction that makes up 1% of the population doesn't make you pro-terrorism; quite the opposite.
Israeli strikes hit every minute, more so at night, the fact that some rockets were launched soon before isn't in any way definitive.
Yea, first they had their propagandists celebrate it, then they said it was shot down by iron dome, then they said it was a malfunction. They said it came from a cemetery next to the hospital, then changed to say it came from south Gaza. The only difference between this incident and the thousands of other strikes is that it garnered more sympathy in the west.
Some provide actual value by working as a superintendent for the properties they own, most simply hire a management company and pass the costs onto the tenants.
People who openly applaud genocide are probably a tad bit fashy.
It has the highest per-capita incarceration rate and rate of police killings.
I upgraded from a 7 to a 14 pro and while it doesn't hang up on the newer OS as much (a problem the 7 developed over its lifetime), it's not really an appreciably better experience overall. The camera is nicer.
if it's first person, then it's going to be better on pc anyway
Central banks can be good, ours is not. It bails the financial class out time and time again and hikes up rates to ensure interest earners are unaffected by inflation at the cost of workers.
Joe Biden is still objectively awful, no lack of alternatives is going to change that.
still use old dot, but the moment that goes away so do I
I provided skepticism of the British cable (which forms many westerners conception of what happened) that talks of thousands of corpses which needed to be ran over with tanks and washed down the drain in order to hide, which did not happen.
I said a handful of deaths occurred in the square, and the evidence you've shown confirms that. The most gruesome photos are of the same unfortunate soul who appears to have fallen off a wheeled vehicle.