Not striking per se, but if you piss them off they could start turning away the majority of applicants so they don't have to deal with society's more desperate. The corporates already do that anyways, though.
Satire is no excuse for landphobia, you're still putting out problematic content that could be taken out of context and weaponized to trigger Persons of Land. Delete this
I can never tell if the comments on these posts are made ironically or if there really is a large percentage of people who think being a landlord is a real job
I feel like landlord can be a real job, if you actually maintain and upgrade the property and charging a reasonable price. That’s different than a landowner who pays some schmuck to manage it for them, pays the manager shit and charges the tenants unreasonable sums simply bc they can.
There are fewer good landlords than bad ones, but the good ones work hard to maintain their investment and provide homes to families despite it being a liability. These properties are majority purchased on loans, after all.
I agree that not all landlords are bad (and not all tenants are good) but I have a hard time believing anyone becomes a landlord to "provide homes to families". It's an investment, a source of income.
Ironic humor isn't a thing. If someone says something and then backpedals and says it was ironic, it's a lie and they're just scared of being judged for takes they know are stupid. It could be satire or sarcasm, but considering how landlord meme subreddits are I really doubt it
I think There are some genuine humour/satire cases, but on the whole I agree that ironic humour leaves the door open to actual bad actors. We've got to be able to drop the mask and say that no really landlords have no right to complain
Can we really not leave his "ironic" pro-landlord bullshit on reddit? They don't give a fuck about you, they will never want anything for you other than paying your rent, you'll never be one unless you've already got really good money. "jokingly" jerking them off isn't gonna change any of that
Istg if I see the word rentoid on here regularly I'm chucking my phone in a river
This post might just be taking the piss at those trying to defend landlords. Or its a genuine effort to take their side, I'm not sure.
Anyway, criticism of landlords was bound to bring people to defend them and/or criticise renters in response.
Don't fret too much, many of us also despise the accumulation of weath through acquiring real estate.
Our landlady is pretty cool. If we want to buy something that can be an addition to the flat (like furniture or appliances or something) she gladly pays for it. So far in two years she paid for our coffee machine, rice cooker, balcony table and chairs, living room rug, and a new bed in my room. Downside of course is that if we move these have to stay, but honestly it's such a good place for about half the market value that we're not planning to do it any time soon. And of course if there's any maintenance required, we just send her a photo and a link with a price to a part that needs replacing or supplies that need to be bought and she pays for it, and I guess she's glad she doesn't have to pay for a technician, we just do it ourselves.
She bought herself those things, and you do the maintenance on your apartment, while she charges what used to be considered an ok rate before the market got captured by algorithmic price fixing and private equity firms.
Yes, unfortunately that does make her "one of the good ones."
I visited my landlady every week and listened to her tell stories about growing up 90 years ago in the house I live in. I made double portions of dinners and brought half to her. She made me cookies from her mom's recipes. I called her kids when she seemed disoriented and I stayed in the hospital all night with her when they weren't sure she would make it till morning. I stayed with her when they brought her back to her house so she could look at her garden a last time and I held her hand while she passed.
There are nice people everywhere. There were nice aristocrats who lived off the favour of the courts, whose wealth was also stolen.
Look, I'm also considering renting my house out for a very low amount to a young family and living in a garage when I'm older, but at least I know I'm taking advantage of a system that gives me unearned advantages for getting in on real estate early.
I don't need anyone to defend me. I have actual privilege.
My only comment on the landlord stuff is that there are landlords that are good, but they're extremely rare. My landlord from college, whom I now consider to be a friend, and regularly keep up with, became a friend because he was an exceedingly great landlord.
He would regularly visit the property to check in, do the work around the place that needed to be done. Stuff like shoveling snow, cutting the grass, etc. He made sure everything was running correctly and there were no issues; if there was ever a problem he would address it right away and at the very least, give you a rough timeline on when things would be fixed.
You could call him 24/7 and he would drop whatever he was doing and head out to address any issue that needed immediate attention. He was lenient on payments, often foregoing first/last/security payments with little more than the commitment to pay by a certain date, which could be months into the future. We were students and sometimes our financial assistance didn't come in exactly when we needed it, and we had to argue with our financial institution to get our cheques for the semester. He provided everything included in the rent, from heat/power to internet. Rent was reasonable and often under market value for what was provided. He was less concerned about making profit and more concerned with the house paying for itself, and running smoothly.
Before anyone has the chance to comment, this guy is a unicorn. I'm damned lucky to have rented from him. By no means does he represent even a fraction of 1% of landlords. He did everything in his power to ensure we were taken care of and that's why I rented from him the entire time I was in college, and a few of my friends ended up moving into my student house over the course of my college career. I don't expect to ever find another landlord that's anywhere near his quality ever again. I've had the need to rent from others, because he doesn't really have any units that served my needs later in life (and now I have a mortgage, so never again), and the difference is dramatic. Most landlords seems to do everything in their power to avoid taking responsibility, visiting the property, or have anything happen that doesn't either sweep problems under the rug, or make it someone else's problem. They just want their money, and damn everything else.
99.9% of landlords are garbage, and they deserve every ounce of hate towards them. They've worked hard at earning that hate and they get the hate that they have earned. I recognise that my experience with this one landlord does not and should not excuse any of that loathing that others feel about landlords in general and the vast majority are not worth the oxygen that they consume.
My entire point is that it's not 100% of landlords that are shit. It's damn close to 100% but it's not. A very small fraction of a percent are actually good at what they do, and take issues seriously. They get involved in issues without hesitation and resolve problems quickly, without complaint. It is an extremely small number of them. My (now) friend who happens to also be a landlord is one such example. That being said, it's not worth it to maintain an entire industry full of shit for the few that actually do things well and provide something valuable. So I'm still in favor of burning it all down and rebuilding from scratch. Temporary/rental living has a place in society for those who will be living in an area for a small amount of time (college/university is an easy example), but on the whole, ownership should be a painless experience, and it's not. In no small part because of landlords buying up anything they can. Another contributing factor is house flippers, whom I consider to be a scourge to society, since so few of them do anything remotely correct. Many don't do things that will even stand up to moderate use and buying from a flipper often results in having to have most of the work re-done correctly within a few years.
It's a horrid part of society and should be abolished.
There are three reasons that "good landlords" seem to be scarce:
People tend to be more vocal about bad experiences than good, so we'll definitely hear more about the bad ones
Many people decided to become a landlord because it outpaced other "investments" greatly, especially if you're a shitty landlord who doesn't put profit back into maintaining said "investment"
Many of the good landlords that did exist and weren't gouging eventually got hit with a bad tenant that cost them a lot of suffering and $$$ while being extremely difficult to evict. Whether it's true or not, I still hear current ones who say they're charging [crazy amount] to pad for the eventual $20k bill when a bad tenant wrecks their place (and these days it's not hard to do $20k+ in damage)
Also per the comic: I've never heard of anyone tipping a landlord, good or bad
Make it illegal for any corporation to own residential property.
all properties beyond your first property, you pay an additional 10% sales and property taxes per property above 1. This means you pay 110% for your second, 120% for your third, 200% for your 11th, and so on.
I have a small house I purchased in a neighborhood full of renters. I bought during the low interest pandemic times, too, so my mortgage is less than most people's rent. If I won the lottery tomorrow I would definitely sell my house for a better one (I make about 30% more now than when I bought, and the only reason I won't move now is because of the interest rate). So many people have told me that I need to rent this place out rather than sell it. But I don't have the ability to be the kind of landlord you described and therefore I know I shouldn't be a landlord at all.
Dunno, not all agencies are shit either. I rented an apartment for 2 years through an agency and their fee was stupid high where I live, sure, but they took care of all the issues we had, they called the technicians for reparations and if the technicians said that stuff broke because it was old or it was faulty, the landlord had to pay it. 100% of our issues were like that. When we left, the landlord returned us all the deposit the day before the agency came to check how the house was (it was clean ofc).
Iirc the landlord bought the house as a future investment for his kids, so we had the best renting experience for me at least. I live in a small european city with high prices so the experience will differ wildly from other places, even in other neighbourhoods of my city lmao
You don't understand tipping culture, their bosses don't pay them enough so they need to make a living on tips. Give them the tip or they can't pay rent! /s
Well they expect their tenants to subsidize their living completely... I could imagine they would also at least want a tip from them because without the landlord they wouldn't have a place to live....
/S for those in the back who can't swim in sarcasm
Are there actual cost increases for landlords that justifies them charging so much more on rents now, or is it solely based on "market prices"? I imagine taxes increase, maybe insurance, their own mortgage may fluctuate, and then you have things just breaking down in a house on a regular basis, so imagine they do need to pad the rent a little bit just to cover additional costs, but current prices seem excessive. To me it just seems like price gouging, but I'm not a landlord, so I don't know what goes into it.
The big thing is pricing in an eviction moratorium, it's going to be a while before landlords are ok with thinking the government won't remove their recourse for unpaid rent.
The big thing is that they all use a piece of software to create a cartel. The rent prices in the US are being artificially inflated by companies like Zillow that chart all the "comps" in an area. A "comp" is a completed sale. The thing is that they can buy a property at 120-300% of actual value in the area to create a "comp" that artificially inflates the "value" of all the other properties in the area, thereby allowing their property management division to jack up rents, which since they all share what they are charging jacks up all the other rents in the area.
Some provide actual value by working as a superintendent for the properties they own, most simply hire a management company and pass the costs onto the tenants.
"I ain't giving you shit, I ain't paying the rent 'til I've got hot water and my toilet is fixed. I don't care, you can try to kick me out if you want to. ' Cause I'll be away, gonna be away tomorrow, I'm gonna do it right and find a place, and I will tell my slumlord to get out of my face! I get the world, you get nothing! I ain't giving a shit, I'm not paying the rent, and I will tell my slumlord to get out of my face, you ain't getting a thing from me!"