They're not blind, they are fascists trying to normalize invasions and dictatorships.
They are not idiots, they are evil.
If they had I would have welcomed any potential AI overlords. I want a massive dial up in the middle of town, sounding its boot signal across the land. Idk this was an odd image I felt like I should share it..
A rep for the Centerparti literally used this argument on the news today, they are very against it. It is just a proposal at the moment, even the military passovely criticized it as they use Signal for communication.
Hopefully that's enough for it not to pass but you never know. If it passes that's a new low.
I kind of liked it but I won't argue lol
I am a spreadsheet kind of guy and the old system is for that, but it isn't very intuitive. Without a guide you have no real idea what you should be doing, which wouldn't work for mosr people who would love the game otherwise.
i'm sorry I love this show so I had to do the intro voice.
Man I love it so much. I have basically stopped watching tv and movies the past two years, I watch maybe (like not even) once ever two months. I just don't enjoy it very often and I have trouble sitting still just watching if it isn't super interesting. This absolutely is tho. Makes me laugh a lot and think and go "aaa far out man".
Nice, I had an ex who said it was a nice read but I never got around to it. Love the movie tho so I should probably check it out
It's not about downvotes. It is about me not wanting to spend my free time on something as pointless as arguing politics on the internet. Generally extremely unfulfilling and I feel like I lost out afterwards.
Like I get why people enjoy it but for a lot of people it is mainly a negative experience..
Nice, what book?
Getting back into reading has been one of the best things that happened to me. It is an amazing hobby once you get into just being able to just lay down and read for a few hours. It took a while but if you fprce yourself enough you will end up making a good habbit of it.
Femboys and the likes of the likes of the likes of the likes of the likes
Well that went well.
That's awesome! Reading for pleasure or work/school?
I'm sorry but sk8ter boy is obviously the GOAT
That's true. It is a human trait. But at the moment the ones making that mistake again are the Americans.
It it was unprecedented, would it be more or less forgivable? I don't know really.
Mm it makes me very angry and sad to see peoples response to this. I feel like in Europe at least more and more people are becoming aware that it is not in fact just "the art of the deal", but serious. Still a lot of careful rethoric thrown around and a lot of people refuse accepting the situation (fascists in the white house) but it is getting better. I have no idea how it is in the US tho except for some news articles which don't tell me shit about what people think..
Alright, I am also autistic so I can understand your argument. I do the same but I also do my best these days to remember to "breathe" mentally so I don't get too invested in things and get isolated.
I am not saying you have a problem, I don't know you :) I just know that addiction generally is not only about how much you take and a lot about how you relate to and think about something. Of course, this is for psychological addictions, not physical. I experienced both and physical is way more terrifying, but just be aware that too many miscalculations can land you in physical addiction.
What let me keep using so long was that I was organized about it, so while friends died in overdoses or lost it and got arrested and attention which forced them stopping in some cases I didn't until a very long time in, at which point all the schedules and management in the world were not enough anymore and I lost it too. So just keep in mind that being so organized is good but you are betting a lot on your ability to make the correct calculations and if they are wrong that is a big bet to lose.
Still you do you, it is your body after all and you do what you want with yourself!
You might consider you are a bit too invested in this part of your life tho?
I once got asked by a friend about her older brother (in his 40s, has a family and child and fully functioning) about him starting smoking a lot of weed. I was asked because I used to have a serious addiction. And so I asked some questions, because doing drugs is not necessarily a sign of anything.
I explained to her that what to watch out for is trying to find a good reason why drugs are not the problem while continuously having problems in relation to them, caused by others or yourself is irrelevant. For example, trying to set up schedules for how much should technically be okay. Maybe glossing over miscalculations and bad experiences, trying the same things in different ways over and over. Basically, trying to really, really control something so much it takes up a very large part of your thoughts and time.
Now look I don't know you but from your post, you spend a lot of time thinking about drugs. If you do them often or not right now is not the question, how much time revolves around drugs and how important are they to you?
A two week break is no break and doesn't prove anything btw, and your friends being unsafe drinkers is not making anything you may or may not do better. Sure they are probably hypocrites and it doesn't sound like anything they are saying to you is helpful in any way, I agree on that. But maybe if one of them spent this much energy thinking about alcohol they would probably be called alcoholics?
Man Onion is way to believable these days..
Edit: this text is hilarious great job OP.
I'm pissed at the american people.
Without getting into insults and earning a ban, they voted for this guy.
Ah shit I think you are right. Feels like I have had it forever but seems that was a false memory of some sort.
I bought it while I lived in my previous apartment which I feel was longer ago and so I got a bit confused with the dates I think lol. Thanks for pointing it out.
I think you are missing the point of using an e-ink device.. I don't think anyone would use one because of "how powerful" it is.
I don't want to read for hours on end on my phone or computer. With this, I can turn backlight off and use a lamp, like a normal book. Better for my eyes and relaxing.
Also, having dedicated devices for certain activities will change how you interact with them when using them. If I read a book on my computer I am tempted to look things up, get some work done or play a game. This is just for leisurely reading, and so when I pick it up that is what I do with it.
If you read a lot (books, not documentation which requires looking things up) then it really is a lot better for your eyes and a better experience to use e-ink.