The update wasn’t supposed to reach dual-boot PCs.
So glad to here someone else say it. Racist and other discriminatory jokes are for uncreative hacks unable to grasp anything close to actual humor. The punchlines are all the same, some stereotype or slur. There are so many better reasons not to make racist jokes, but one reason that I think that should be talked about more is that they are boring, lazy jokes for unfunny unoriginal losers.
Hollywood will literally anything other than new ideas.
I love Malcolm in the Middle, but really? The limit of 4 episodes gives me a small hope that maybe they have a neat compelling story to tell, but I'm not holding my breath.
Scavengers reign is the fucking shit. That fuckin ending tho! Give me more
I havent ridden a bike in a minute but how much is your back engaged? The xray of surgery looks pretty close to the hips. Could someone with major back pain ride a bike for an extended amount of time?
Going off the memory of the cat wanted to destroy it. When I want to hide stuff from cats it goes up high, or it goes in cabniet, or in something they won't like or want. Could you have put it in a plain paper or plastic bag so the cats wouldn't have been drawn too it? Or the closet high up spot or cabniet to where the cats were attacking the wallet? Good luck finding it!
For sure, but I'd like to believe there is a fresh new fear in their minds. Kinda like what if the doc finds something serious and I go bankrupt from the treatment.
Ok but the photo of the suspect smiling in the coffee shop is wearing a black backpack. But the shooter had this one on
Thank you!
What did Jimmy Carter do to your cheese to make you loathe it?
So if the question is what did they build their ships out of, that's easy. They built their ships out of the soft floaty bones of baby mermaids
Awesome! Glad you're enjoying it
Grotto is $1.29!
$1.29 for an absolute gem of a game. Totally recommend! Works great on my steam deck and ps4 controller
All of those places already have laws preventing those. Don't need a special one for no sleep in car in those instances
Don't steal, I give it freely
A judge paid me cash to paint their courtroom gray
Maybe wants to turn the boy scouts into a new hitler youth or make way for it
USA Passport
I was dumb and was hoping he couldn't win. I want to get a passport. I have an old one I could renew, but it has my dead name and old gender marker. Has anyone renewed their passport after a name change gender marker? Or should I just apply for a new one in person?
Thanks for sharing! I would like more myths please!
Bad Cop Bad Cop 2017 Warriors album I feel is response to Trump/the 2016 election. I haven't listened to it recently, but I remember several songs had some pretty direct references to Trump/the state of the nation.
Edit: Also control alt right delete by the briggs
And if it can't be fixed?
What's your relationship like with your grandparents?
What's your relationship like with your grandparents?
My grandma passed last weeek. I've been thinking about my relationship with her and my other grandparents. My family and I visit them on holidays and they were nice enough. But I don't feel like I knew my grandma or know my other grandparents.
I think my family is weird maybe? Idk it's the only one I know lol. We'd talk about tv and movies we've watched recently. What they watched. Tell the grandparents what was going on in our lives. Ask about what was going in grandma and grandpas life. Mostly get answers like "same old same old", tales of doctor visits, or NCIS.
But like who are they as people? What were dreams when they were young? what adventures have they been on? what sparks joy in their life? What struggles have been through?
Like if I had to describe my grandmother I'd say she was a nice, pleasant lady who was mostly kind and liked cats, but not enough to get her own, just fed the neighbors cat. A description a strang
Safe to Install New Dual Boot?
My GF recently said I can install Linux on her laptop. Then I saw Windows broke dual boot systems.
Is it safe to do a dual boot if she already has the update that broke dual booting?
Should I just figure out how to install Windows in a VM for her?
Appreciate any insight y'all can offer
FOSS and Privacy Focused Text to Speech Apps
Anyone know of good FOSS and privacy friendly text to speech apps for Android? Want to listen to my notes
Jet Fuelled Steal Beams
Don't Melt My Wet Dreams
DDDA Connection Failure
I installed Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen (bought from GOG) via the Heroic Game Launcher to an SD card on my steam deck. Game runs fine except for there is a connection failure pop up anytime I try to access the rift to hire pawns and when 1st loading a save file.
I've reinstalled it. I've tried protons 7, 8, and GE. Rebooted the deck. Has anyone run into this issue before? Any help would be much appreciated!