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Evkob (they/them)
Evkob (they/them) @ Evkob

Languages: Français, English

Pronouns: They/them


Posts 26
Comments 773
The karaoke bar is hyped up. You're next up and you have one job: kill the vibes. What song are you singing?
  • I worked with a 17 year old once who knew the entire lyrics to Alice's Restaurant and would recite them, not sing them, in the most deadpan voice.

    I miss that guy.

  • Mozilla flamed by Firefox fans after promises to not sell their data go up in smoke
  • Essentially, someone submitted a PR on GitHub changing a "he" in the build instructions to a gender-neutral "they", to which the main dev of Ladybird (Andreas Kling) replied:

    This project is not an appropriate arena to advertise your personal politics.

    This next part's just my opinion; that's an insane response to someone suggesting neutral language. As a non-binary person, I wouldn't feel comfortable around this person after such a reply, and I certainly wouldn't donate to Ladybird or anything of the sort.

    That being said, we all likely use tons of software developed by people way worse than Kling. As long as it's FOSS and is privacy-respecting, I'll run code that's been written by bigots. However I definitely won't support them by recommending their software to others, or by donating time or money to the project.

  • Advice on DIY HRT?
  • You don't have to be prescribed estrogen to have bloodwork done! I definitely think you should seek it out if you go the DIY route.

    OP's not asking for advice on what to do with her therapist, she's asking for advice regarding DIY HRT. IMO it's not really our place to question why she might make that choice for herself.

  • Advice on DIY HRT?
  • I'd definitely recommend reading through's page for transfems. I doubt you'll find a better source of info online.

    I hope things go smoothly with your therapist! Best of luck to you :)

  • 🚨338 Sunday Update: The Liberal Surge Continues
  • Graph showing current polling trends on the federal stage in Canada, with Conservatives down to 160 projected seats and Liberals up to 139.

    Tweet text from Philippe J. Fournier of 338Canada:

    📊Multiple polls confirm dramatic shift in momentum, as Liberals close in on Conservatives.

    🚨338 Sunday Update: The Liberal Surge Continues →

  • Alternatives to Google Wallet
  • They'd need to collaborate with a multitude of financial institutions in whichever jurisdictions they'd want to operate in. That's just a level of resources most FOSS projects don't have. Plus, I can't imagine banks would be big proponents of open-source; where's the money in that?

  • Diplomacy dies on live TV as Trump and Vance gang up to bully Ukraine leader
  • Edit: why was this downvoted?

    I'd assume less pro-Churchill sentiment, more "people don't read articles and are wondering why you brought up Churchill"

  • Nearly half of Quebecers cancel U.S. trips amid tensions, boosting local tourism
  • "Quebecers" is absolutely the worst demonym I've ever had the misfortune of hearing.

    I'd honestly rather use "Quebecans" or "Quebecinites" than "Quebecers". That being said, I'm francophone so I just say "québécois et québécoises".

  • move on
  • It's a means to an end, I'm afraid.

  • What are your earworms?
  • The HamsterDance song has been living rent-free in my head on-and-off for most of my life. I blame how much time I spent in arenas as a kid playing hockey.

    More recently, the café I work at puts on a "French café" playlist which has about 7 different versions of "La Vie En Rose" so that's been in my head for the past year as well.

  • How is your week going?
  • I thought this was a giant beaver at first, I'm not at all disappointed this isn't the case.

    Seriously though, looks cool! I always love games where you can interact with the environment like that.

  • How is your week going?
  • Ooh, what kind of game? Video? Tabletop?

  • Doug Ford doesn’t care about students
  • Our taxes pay for Catholic schools

    AFAIK, this is only a thing in Ontario.

  • Pronoun Protest During Testimony
  • Madam Chairperson just forgot the word for day.

    Thank you for your testimony. We are doing our job... We work hard, uh, every... starts with a d... every d... DAY!

  • Getting Started with Self-Hosting?
  • I recommend posting in !, really helpful community there (although I'd refrain from specifically mentioning piracy).

    I've heard Hetzner is quick to crack down on piracy. Some VPS hosters advertise that they don't acknowledge DMCA requests, such as Njalla and 1984 (I've never used these, just found them by searching Lemmy). If you want to go with a traditional hoster I'll echo what the other person said and recommend Gluetun to bind your container to a VPN service.

    For security, if it's just for you and your partner I'd just setup a Wireguard server on the VPS and tunnel into it that way. You'll have to setup the VPN on any device you want to access your server with, which is a hassle, but I'd much prefer the small hassle than the constant worrying of hosting publicly-accessible services. Otherwise, I'd setup something like Crowdsec or Fail2Ban.

  • Why this forgotten bicycle may be key to China's future
  • Shifter always makes such good videos. You can tell the guy just really likes urban cycling.

  • Google continues pulling the plug on Manifest v2 • The Register
  • This person pops up every time someone on Lemmy mentions web browsers to aggressively deride Mozilla for being mostly funded by Google (which is a fair point that I agree with) and then they turn around and recommend Chromium-based browsers.

    I've tried and I found it difficult to engage in good-faith conversation with them.

  • John Oliver promoted alternatives to big tech in last night's episode, including Mastodon and Pixelfed
  • "Public benefit corporation" is such an oxymoron, I know it's cliché to say this but it reads like something out of 1984.

    If your goal is truly to benefit the public, why wouldn't you start a non-profit? It's because they want profits, which will always be at odds with the interests of the public.

  • Yeah, I'm what they call a cybersecurity expert 😎

    Image transcription:

    root@my-little-server:~# echo "IF YOU CAN SEE THIS PLS DON'T HACK ME I'M POOR" >> /etc/motd

    Local big box HW store (but one of their smallest stores) has closed their front doors on main street Monday to Friday. You know the doors near all the nice footpath seating.
  • I'm astounded at the amount of opposition in the comments.

    Closing your storefront on Main St and rerouting people through what I can only assume to be the entrance near the parking lot is pedestrian-hostile behaviour. When I go downtown, it's to shop, not to know which stores have parking lots nearby.

  • Tackling Canada’s Discrimination Against Indigenous Language Education | The Tyee


    The freakout about Canada’s ‘internal trade barriers’ is a corporate scam The freakout about Canada’s ‘internal trade barriers’ is a corporate scam ⋆ The Breach

    Business lobbyists and right-wing think tanks are exploiting Trump’s threats to push their deregulation agenda

    The freakout about Canada’s ‘internal trade barriers’ is a corporate scam ⋆ The Breach

    What tech skills are needed to host Fediverse platforms for a community of people?

    I'm ready to completely jump in to using decentralized, federated platforms, however most people I know aren't fully there. It strikes me that this moment in time, where a lot of people are newly actively aware and frustrated by Meta and Twitter's actions, is ideal to get people to switch over to new platforms.

    To encourage people in my community to join platforms on the Fediverse, I want to host instances of various platforms (probably Mastodon and Pixelfed to start with). Having a specific instance on these platforms to point people towards would probably help a lot of the folks I know get on board.

    However, I'm scared I'm not knowledgeable enough to admin these public instances for others. I know some basic networking, I self-host a bunch of stuff with Docker on an old laptop, and I definitely am smart enough to figure out how to start up instances of these platforms. However, I'm mostly concerned with whether I'd be able to properly maintain and secure these instances. I wouldn't want people to be soured on decentralized social media just because I don't know what I'm doing.

    Any thoughts, words of encouragement, tips, warnings, etc. are welcomed!


    Quad9 DNS randomly stopped working

    I have been using Quad9 for my DNS, setup at the router level, for months without issue. Today, I woke up and the internet wasn't working, and as the one in the house who self-hosts a couple things on an old laptop and thus tinkers with the router, I was the one my roommates looked at in a panic.

    I figured I'd just do a factory reset, and it worked! And then stopped working when I changed the DNS from my ISP's servers to Quad9's. I can't even ping their servers from my home network.

    Could my home IP have been banned from Quad9 for some reason? I truly can't imagine why.

    EDIT: Update if anyone cares, it works now. I assume it was a problem somewhere between my network and Quad9's servers, since I didn't change any configurations to make it work.


    NB Elections: Susan Holt leads Liberals to majority victory, Blaine Higgs loses seat

    Article en français (La Presse)

    >The Liberals under Susan Holt have won the majority of seats in the New Brunswick election. > >At 9 p.m., with 80 per cent of the polls reporting, the Liberals were leading 31 ridings, the Progressive Conservatives were leading in 16 and the Greens were leading in two ridings. > >Just before 9 p.m., CBC projected wins for Holt and Green Party Leader David Coon, who both ran for Fredericton seats, but PC Leader Blaine Higgs lost his Quispamsis riding to Liberal Aaron Kennedy.

    12 Air Canada's chatbot gave a B.C. man the wrong information. Now, the airline has to pay for the mistake

    Air Canada has been ordered to compensate a B.C. man because its chatbot gave him inaccurate information.

    Air Canada's chatbot gave a B.C. man the wrong information. Now, the airline has to pay for the mistake

    Jake Moffatt was booking a flight to Toronto and asked the bot about the airline's bereavement rates – reduced fares provided in the event someone needs to travel due to the death of an immediate family member.

    Moffatt said he was told that these fares could be claimed retroactively by completing a refund application within 90 days of the date the ticket was issued, and submitted a screenshot of his conversation with the bot as evidence supporting this claim.

    The airline refused the refund because it said its policy was that bereavement fare could not, in fact, be claimed retroactively.

    Air Canada argued that it could not be held liable for information provided by the bot.


    Audio devices disappear after reboot (EndeavourOS, Pipewire)

    Hello! I've posted this a few weeks ago on /c/ but I didn't get much of an answer, I hope it's okay to post it here as well.

    I use 3 audio devices on my computer: my monitor's speakers (through HDMI), my headphones (through line-out/built-in audio) and my microphone (line-in/built-in audio). They all work fine, but when I reboot my headphones / line-out don't seem to get recognized at all.

    The only solution I've found thus far is to re-install alsa-utils twice after rebooting. Upon the first reinstall, my line-out / headphones reappear but my line-in mic disappears, only to come back after the second reinstall. Technically my sound works perfectly fine after this, but it feels extremely dumb to reinstall a package twice after every reboot.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance :)


    Does anyone still burn their movies to DVD?

    Okay I'm fully aware of how ridiculous this sounds in 2023, but bare with me.

    I have a wonderful neighbour, Jackie. She's in her mid-sixties, and ever since she moved in we have become very good friends, she's like a second mom to me.

    Jackie loves movies and has an enormous DVD collection. One day, she was talking about how she couldn't find a particular movie, and I said "I can probably download that for you!" Her immediate reply was "Can you put it on a DVD?" I tried telling her the many reasons it would be better to use a myriad of other solutions, but she insists on DVDs.

    I did them for a while using DVDStyler on Windows, and it worked fine. But then I installed EndeavourOS on a new partition on my hard drive, tried using Brasero and Devede but it wouldn't read on her DVD player. Then I tried DVDStyler on my Linux partition, and it didn't work on her DVD player, despite saying the operation was successful on my end. I then tried booting up into Windows and using DVDStyler, and that also didn't work, not even letting me burn the disc. Does anyone have any ideas what could fix this? I've tried playing around with the settings in all these apps but I couldn't figure it out.

    Apologies if this isn't the best place to ask this, but I figured a community of pirates would understand my desire to get movies to Jackie without her having to pray to find them in a pawn shop!


    Want a more accurate number of Canada's homeless population? Try counting health data

    A new method for counting homeless people is offering a clearer look at the magnitude of the social issue, with preliminary results indicating the country's homeless population could be three times higher than current estimates.


    Bikes and beer, name a better combo

    Bike on a beer can on a bike.

    Fun fact: Radler is the Bavarian dialect word for Radfahrer (“cyclist”)

    18 As the Bank of Canada prepares for a digital Canadian dollar, democratic concerns loom large

    While a digital national currency does have the potential to mitigate key financial issues, we cannot ignore the democratic risks such a currency could introduce without safeguards.

    As the Bank of Canada prepares for a digital Canadian dollar, democratic concerns loom large
    21 Manitoba crash highlights safety concerns about Canada's highways and trucking industry

    Long-haul truckers often work grueling schedules with few breaks and face pressures that place their safety and that of others at risk.

    Manitoba crash highlights safety concerns about Canada's highways and trucking industry

    Reject labels! Or embrace labels! Do as you wish as long as you respect others!


    Who are your favourite cycling YouTubers?

    I'll start with a couple of mine:

    • Terry Barentsen (fast-paced urban rides, mainly in NYC)

    • BCpov (MTB rides as well as some trail building stuff)

    • Shifter (informative videos on various topics relating to cycle commuting)

    • One Cyclist in Lisbon (pretty much what it says on the tin, lots of silly city cycling moments in his compilations and as well as longer rides outside Lisbon)

    • Ed Pratt's Unicycling The World series (I know it's not a bike, but it touches on a lot of just cycle touring in general)




    "One of a kind bike" might be the best thing I've seen on FB Marketplace

    Hi Kevin, are you ok?


    Why do people still drive cars daily when bikes exist?


    What are your cycling plans for this summer?

    Is there a specific route or trail you want to hit up this summer? A distance or fitness goal of some sort? Planning a bicycle tour? Bikepacking?

    Please share, I'm curious to see what all of you are getting up to for this summer!


    What's a community you've discovered or created on Lemmy that you'd love to see grow?

    Please format it like this: \!, example: !

    This link is clickable on the Lemmy web interface, and will redirect you to the community within your own instance! It doesn't work in the Jerboa app, I don't know about other interfaces. Note that if your instance hasn't had any users interact with the linked community yet, you'll get a 404 error, and you'll have to manually search ! to federate them.
