I know this just a meme, but literally the answer is infrastructure.
Where I live there are no separated cycle paths and it is illegal to ride on the footpath. Combine that with a hostile car culture, and it is simply too dangerous at present for me to consider.
They are building a separated cyclepath near me, however, so once that is in place I'll be doing most commuting by bike.
Daily? Because they get trapped in a situation that doesn't give them options. I live near the bus/light rail in my city, but the best job opportunity I got is 20 miles further out towards the exurbs. Its a 30 minute drive vs a 90 min bus/bike trip. Looking for something much nearer as the commute sucks, but when we build our cities like we do it really limits our citizens' options sometimes
Yeah I'm all too aware of North American style city design. The title was more along the lines of "why do we as a society still center our communities around cars when better options such as bikes exist?" and not trying to assign blame to any individual car driver, just to be clear.
I personally refuse to participate in the folly that is "the commute" but I realize that not everyone has the same flexibility, nor the same priorities. I live 10 minutes walk from my work, but I have a couple of coworkers who drive over 30 minutes to get to work. It's remarkable how much stress their commute causes them compared to my little stroll.