Earworm - the experience of a song stuck in the brain. I find myself getting earworms so often haha. My latest one is this song, I Want To Be In Fabric by Todd Edwards, particularly the part starting at 2:28. Gives me massive Freezepop vibes omg!
What are some songs that have been stuck in your head lately that you'd like to share? 😃
The HamsterDance song has been living rent-free in my head on-and-off for most of my life. I blame how much time I spent in arenas as a kid playing hockey.
More recently, the café I work at puts on a "French café" playlist which has about 7 different versions of "La Vie En Rose" so that's been in my head for the past year as well.
It's a reading of "Boots" by Rudyard Kipling, written about the Boer Wars in the late 19th century. It's used in the trailer for the upcoming follow-up to "28 Weeks Later" to great effect, which first drew my attention.
It is possibly the most haunting thing I've heard.
I'm serious when I say this may fuck your week up.
That was incredible, honestly. Fantastic reading. Kind of reminded me of Son House, actually. I feel like the hammer blow rhythm of this poem would match up perfectly with some rattling resonator guitar licks.
I'm on a tracker music binge right now, and God damn there's a good reason that Epic hired Necros to compose for Unreal and UT99. Got a lot of his tunes on repeat in my head right now.
Oh my gosh I love that style of music! Ace Combat 3 vibes in some places, so dynamic and atmospheric sounding. Those chords (?) starting at 1:50 are heavenly!
My job won't stop playing this stupid pop song that has the exact same melody as Dragostea Din Tei. I think every day for the past several weeks I've been singing some nonsense combination of the two under my breath.
Let's make tonight the weekend, dar nu ma nu ma iei, I don't wanna waiiiiit
My earworm is whichever song is playing in a public space I’m in. I’m physically incapable of tuning out music & most sounds in public spaces.
I’m very thankful that my boss doesn’t mind me wearing noise cancelling headphones while I’m at my desk.
I bring earbuds with me to the grocery store & the mall. I’m glad I don’t have to ride the bus all the time and listen to other peoples music & tiktok videos.
I think the most persistent earworm I've ever had is Elliott Smith's Son of Sam, which has been constantly popping into my head the last 17 years or so. I'm not even sure I think it's his objectively best song, but it's the one that's been most earwormy for sure. Usually pops into my head when I shower.
Earl Had To Die seems to pop into my head every few months for the past 15 years.
"... Well it turns out he was a missing person who nobody missed at all."
ABBA's "Fernando" pops up in my head randomly all the time. Styx's "Half-Penny, Two-Penny" has a phrase that leaps to mind quite often when reading news. "Justice for money, what can you say? We all know it's the American Way." and also "Justice for money, how much more can I pay? We all know it's the American Way." And when that leaps to mind the rest of the song follows. Forever (or so it seems)...
There are a handful of songs that will take over my internal radio station if I hear them. The first to come to mind is Surf Music by Paul Williams... no, not that Paul Williams. The one from Taskmaster NZ.
At the moment it's Ma Meilleure Ennemie by Stromae, which was used in the Arcane series. I'm also not into what's viral on social media because I'm not on there much, but I just recently heard Million Dollar Baby by Tommy Richman on a Wingstop commercial, which was apparently viral on tiktok last year. It's a pretty good callback to classic '90's r&b, which caught my attention.
Now I have part of a sample from a cocorosie song, 'I got a... Ready to drop' but I'm pretty sure I only started that today. Before it was a different song but I've forgotten