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drbollocks drbollocks

im proud of who i am 🏳️‍🌈

monolingual loser, hope to learn more languages 💔

she/they - lesbian

Posts 13
Comments 36
a community about and in my toki pona-based conlang ^ _ ^
  • i think it’s around the same 🤔 hehe

  • a community about and in my toki pona-based conlang ^ _ ^
  • whoops. i made my own language based off a language called toki pona. i made a community focusing on said made up language.

  • I’m probably no longer center-left. If you could decide from my thinking, what political affiliation should I research to see if it fits me?
  • genuine question. how are you not a victim of homophobia if you dated a girl in high school and are lgbt? and if no one ever has judged you for that, how do you not feel empathetic to other lgbt people who have?

  • I’m probably no longer center-left. If you could decide from my thinking, what political affiliation should I research to see if it fits me?
  • you are probably not center-left. you, to me, sound like either apolitical or one of the lgbt republicans who are “one of the good ones”.

    you’re apparently bi/a lesbian too but you don’t hang out with lesbians because you can’t relate to them (you like men)??

  • my (18f) sister (13f) is convinced i don’t care about her, how do i convince her i do?
  • autism and my dissociation causes me to be unable to talk when im too stimulated

  • Why do people care about empathy so much when it’s not needed?
  • knew a person who acted similar, she abused me. she ended up losing her punching bag and may well lose her friends. apparently things are going terrible dor her, and that’s how you’ll end up too, with everyone leaving you if you continue.

  • what’s your favorite constructed language? any of you created your own?

    i love the idea of creating conlangs. i’ve experimented with the idea of them in years past but have never done anything with them, let alone created one.

    i did create some toki pona-based ones as they consist of few words (~100) but i want to create ones that aren’t just based off toki pona.

    my (18f) sister (13f) is convinced i don’t care about her, how do i convince her i do?
  • i will, thank you so much. i told her she could watch tv with me. would it be rude to tell her to stop playing screaming videos because i don’t like those videos ?

  • why do some straight people deny their loved ones’ homosexuality? (keyword: SOME)
  • the character it’s based off of is male, it’s based on someone mishearing a name

  • would dating my ex friend be worth it, do you think he could love me and would calm down if i said yes or am i just thinking this out of sadness?
  • he broke up before he said all this. he was clearly into me and hitting on me before they broke up though, and the rest still stands. tysm

  • why do some straight people deny their loved ones’ homosexuality? (keyword: SOME)
  • he also told me “i love what females smell like, especially during sex. i bet you smell nice” or something like that :,)

  • why do some straight people deny their loved ones’ homosexuality? (keyword: SOME)

    some straight guy i was friends with was obsessed with me. he only cared if i liked men and had a bf for some reason, and would ignore that i liked women. he would act like i was straight and that if i dated women, that just meant i was single and obviously interested in him.


    my (18f) sister (13f) is convinced i don’t care about her, how do i convince her i do?

    a lot of the time, i’m either busy doing something where i literally cannot respond or overstimulated.

    when i’m overstimulated, i physically cannot talk or barely register what someone’s saying. i also have trouble understanding out loud speech for some reason, where i’m listening but can’t process the words.

    when my sister asks or says something, i often ask her to repeat it because it’s a lot of information. she says something like “never mind, you don’t care anyway, it’s not important” when i ask to be repeated.

    she doesn’t care when i told her why i need it to be repeated.

    she also thinks i’m mad at her all the time, gets frustrated when i don’t talk (because im incapable), and starts talking badly about herself when i don’t laugh at her humor (which consists of loud screeching and tiktok “brainrot” words)

    since then, i decided to feign laughter so she’ll not think i’m upset with her.

    i do try to be there for my sister, but there’s times where i cannot or just can’t talk.


    would dating my ex friend be worth it, do you think he could love me and would calm down if i said yes or am i just thinking this out of sadness?

    i just broke up with my bf who ghosted me bc he realized he's gay (im a woman). i don't even think i like guys but i have this compulsion to ask out my friend who i blocked to have a man that treats me right instead of the other guy that ghosted me, and also to make him happy.

    he kept talking about how he could treat me better than anyone else, that i should've ditched my bf for him (obv i said no), and badmouthed not only his gf of a few years since age 16 but also his first time. he left her bc she showed signs of schizophrenia and she blocked all his socials after he left.

    he kept guilttripping me when i said i didn't want to be his gf so ik he doesn't care about consent regardless of what he says. he also completely ignored me liking women and acted like i was straight but i feel lonely.

    i kinda wanna make him happy and have a bf who pays attention to me but ik i'm probably just saying this out of sadness. we were friends but i had to block.

    Personality Disorders drbollocks

    are the following common in untreated npd/cluster b?

    i know that everyone with cluster b personality disorders are different and obviously not everyone with cluster b/npd is abusive/a bully. this person just happened to be abusive with untreated npd.

    she clearly needs help, and happens to have anger issues as well, taking her anger out on most everyone.

    often she tried to isolate me from other people, since “no one understands you like i do, people actually hate you for your disability and see you as an animal. i know best and i know what they really think.”

    she also seems to adhere to rules and gets mad when people don’t strictly follow them.

    she expects people be identical to her and strictly fit into her mold, and constantly excludes people like me but then acts sweet when she needs something again.

    she genuinely lacks empathy and doesn’t care about social rights for minorities nor animal rights, and seems to view other people as tools to help HER gain success, everyone else be damned. (she can have basic empathy, such as “oh I’m sorry that happened”, or care about social rights when it makes her look good.)

    if, for example, someone doesn’t let her win a sort of game, she will call them some sort of insult or slur. she called my black friend the n word for not letting her cheat in a game and also not going easy on her to let her win.

    she also is convinced everyone’s out to get her, that everyone is cheating if they win, that no one is better than she is, or that people are deliberately attacking her for not letting her win/not interacting with her.

    she cannot take accountability, and thinks that everything bad happening to her is undeserved, as she is “the best”.

    i’m sorry if i sound mean. i acknowledge that not everyone with a cluster b personality disorder is like this as i said, i just know she is and seems to show traits of an untreated cluster b personality disorder from what i’ve heard of, and have specifically been told it SOUNDS like npd (untreated).

    i’m also a little upset/done because she’s been treating me and others badly for years 😓


    what’s the difference of behaviors between a person with npd and just an asshole?

    how could you tell, since npd is an actual condition, so of course they’ll act differently, but it’s used so often to describe a regular, typical asshole.


    the person who abused(?) me (who I’m breaking free from and focusing on me💪) acted like this: is this common with certain mental health conditions?

    i don’t mean this to say that people with mental health conditions are all abusive, nor do i take your comments as a diagnosis, i’m more or less just curious. after all, only a professional could help the specific person.

    i have been emotionally abused by someone. they can never accept their own faults or mistakes. telling them they made a mistake will set them off and cause outbursts of anger. they strictly adhere to rules and try to control people to follow a rigid set of them.

    will often prey on weaknesses to make you stay with them because “no one understands you, just me”. discards you but comes back after a while and the cycle repeats.

    often makes others feel bad about themselves, that they are the best/only good person and they should be the reliable one to come to when something’s wrong. in their eyes, you are worthless no matter what you do to change it.


    i am currently going through a lot. what can i do to keep my sanity and not become depressed?

    i have a lot going on besides that. just broke up with a guy, realized i wasn’t even into guys (but it stung more that he didn’t pay attention to me/care regardless), then having some rocky relationships with my gf (open relationship) and long-time friend, the latter i’m cutting contact with. (meaning i will only talk to her if i have to or if she talks to me first)

    with all of this, my anxiety’s acting up and i’m a bit (still although it got better) on edge.


    created crushes, where you can talk about being attracted to someone


    anyone who’s attracted to someone can post here :)

    I’ve seen adults with crushes so…
