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Personality Disorders drbollocks

are the following common in untreated npd/cluster b?

i know that everyone with cluster b personality disorders are different and obviously not everyone with cluster b/npd is abusive/a bully. this person just happened to be abusive with untreated npd.

she clearly needs help, and happens to have anger issues as well, taking her anger out on most everyone.

often she tried to isolate me from other people, since “no one understands you like i do, people actually hate you for your disability and see you as an animal. i know best and i know what they really think.”

she also seems to adhere to rules and gets mad when people don’t strictly follow them.

she expects people be identical to her and strictly fit into her mold, and constantly excludes people like me but then acts sweet when she needs something again.

she genuinely lacks empathy and doesn’t care about social rights for minorities nor animal rights, and seems to view other people as tools to help HER gain success, everyone else be damned. (she can have basic empathy, such as “oh I’m sorry that happened”, or care about social rights when it makes her look good.)

if, for example, someone doesn’t let her win a sort of game, she will call them some sort of insult or slur. she called my black friend the n word for not letting her cheat in a game and also not going easy on her to let her win.

she also is convinced everyone’s out to get her, that everyone is cheating if they win, that no one is better than she is, or that people are deliberately attacking her for not letting her win/not interacting with her.

she cannot take accountability, and thinks that everything bad happening to her is undeserved, as she is “the best”.

i’m sorry if i sound mean. i acknowledge that not everyone with a cluster b personality disorder is like this as i said, i just know she is and seems to show traits of an untreated cluster b personality disorder from what i’ve heard of, and have specifically been told it SOUNDS like npd (untreated).

i’m also a little upset/done because she’s been treating me and others badly for years 😓