I also recommend Magic Earth, I find the navigation to be more reliable than OSMAnd+
If you're looking for a reasonable FOSS swipe keyboard, try AnySoftKeyboard. While still a step below the non FOSS keyboards I've used before like Swiftkey, it gets the job done reasonably well
Or simply Do Not Disturb
To show that the system isn't working and needs to be privatized to run more efficiently. And then replace previously functioning government-run organizations with private ones owned by their friends
From what I'm reading, they're a centrist think tank that on occasion takes funding from private sources to write pieces that are in line with their donor's interests. Bill and Melinda Gates also appear to be major donors
New New Mexico and Old New Mexico
It'd be interesting to see some more countries use the same lyricist who pegged the words of the anthems of Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, San Marino, and Spain
What about an Android tablet running a custom ROM without GApps flashed, and an adapter for HDMI? There's a handful of widely sold tablets that also have a decent development scene and are cheap second hand. Check XDA forums for various models before deciding which one to get