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[SWE] Swedish government wants a back door in Signal
  • Exactly. We have to think about the children..

    Its jot the parents responsibility to be apart of their kids lives and bring them up properly. That responsibility have been pushed onto the governments so that they can leverage it against peoples right to privacy

  • [SWE] Swedish government wants a back door in Signal
  • Not only USA, but Chains and "Great" Britain as well. You saw how they magaged to get access to all encrypted data stored on Apple's servers within UK.

    The politicians in power in Sweden, currently, explicitly said no to chat control 2.0 during the election process. They get voted.. And now they pushed it into the EU and are supporting it. Terrible.

  • [SWE] Swedish government wants a back door in Signal
  • I have gotten a few family members and friends to use signal as I stated to them that this is the only way to get ahold of me. Other than this, you won't. And because of me, they decided to do so :P some haven't, but its up to them to decide.

  • [SWE] Swedish government wants a back door in Signal Signal lämnar Sverige om regeringens förslag på datalagring klubbas

    Den krypterade meddelandeappen Signal växer – nu använder till och med Försvarsmakten appen. Men regeringen vill tvinga bolaget att införa en teknisk bakdörr åt Polisen och Säpo. – Om det blir verklighet så lämnar vi Sverige, säger Signals chef Meredith Whittaker, i en exklusiv intervju med SVT.

    Signal lämnar Sverige om regeringens förslag på datalagring klubbas

    Swedish government wants a back door in signal for police and 'Säpo' (Swedish federation that checks for spies)

    Let's say that this becomes a law and Signal decides to withdraw from Sweden as they clearly state that they won't implement a back door; would a citizen within the country still be able to use and access Signals services? Assuming that google play services probably would remove the Signal app within Sweden (which I also don't use)

    I just want the government to go f*ck themselves, y'know?

    UK trying to pass law to let AI take anything on internet unless you opt out.
  • I'm not from England, but damm this is absolutely terrible. England already has a LOT of cameras everywhere to track people. They work hard to try and track people everywhere. Hence why this is scary cause this might actually go through due to how anti-privacy they seem to be.

  • How to Bypass Reddit's VPN Blocking
  • Ooh, one more thing. Reddit has two different blocks. One is this network security one. This is client side and therefore, uBlock can bypass it with ease. There's another one reddit has, but its server side and it shows up if malicious activity have exited from the same public IP your VPN is originating from. So simply changing your 'origin' is a solution in this case. However, the latter type of block is much more rare

  • A reflection of my privacy journey
  • Never tried freetube, but tried LibreTube and NewPipe. However, I did settle on GrayJay made by Lewis Rossman. Can have many streaming services in one single app. YouTube, Twitch, Rumble, odyssey and as many as you'd like. Even has a community where people program other streaming services to be included, if you trust to install those too. Great platform ^^

  • Privacy Friendly Alternative to Paypal

    I use PayPal to be the middle man to protect my credit card information when I purchase items online.

    Of course I have grown less fond of PayPal and their scammy behavior (plus the password limit is 20, wtf?)

    My question; is there an alternative to paypal to buy things online (without crypto as not all stores take such things), such as (but for Europe).

    Correct mw if im wrong, but I believe is for US, Canada region.

    My bank doesn't offer virtual credit cards sadly.

    Signal on F-droid Guardian Repo
  • As i recall, ALL apps in google play store, have to have some sort of google shit embedded into it. Therefore, its better to download something outside of google if you want to remain degoogled.

  • How do you find the compromise between privacy and daily phone usage?
    1. I'm a minimalist, I only use Signal to make others switch to it. Also use Session but its rare.
    2. I use banking. Still works on GrapheneOS. Just that it pops up that it might not work as it always scans for google play store.
    3. Luckily for me, I have a car. I don't need other transports.
    4. I use OSMand. Predownload a map and you don't need an internet connection to use it. If you need directions while driving, separate it from your phone and use a GPS in your car or buy an external GPS.
    5. No, no tracking of fitness
    6. Never used, but look into Pine64. Have hardware switches. Careful as some people have waited like a year, two or three to get their phone. Waiting time seems to be their bottleneck.
  • Netflix does it again. Record subscriber gains.
  • I remember when streaming was super new and the service was AMAZING. As time passed; everything got much more expensive, movies and series were removed and now, even ads are displayed to you even though you pay for their service. The reason for the streaming service was BECAUAE of them having no ads. Now all streaming services has gone to shit :/ giving you 720p upscaled but saying its 1080 HD or 4k. Just lies.. Too expensive to pay for 4 or 5 different streaming services to get the movie you want to watch because one service doesn't have what you want to look at.

  • I don't know what to do with this information
  • Stealer logs is pretty bad. Very bad to be fair. It means your computer is infected and have stolen all your saved passwords.

    Reinstall your operating system completely. Take note of your accounts and change all their passwords. Start with your email address as its the most important one.

  • Please help me secure an ancient email address.
  • I have an old email from when I was like 7 and signed up on a range of different gaming websites.

    Now however, I use proton mail. They even own SimpleLogin, so all I do it generate hundreds of email aliases. No website know my actual email address and each mail received to these aliases, are forwarded to my actual proton mail account. Using Keepass or another password manager of choice, is a wise idea so you don't have to remember all these accounts. Simple! Both secure, and private as it would be difficult to identify each account to an identity