Den krypterade meddelandeappen Signal växer – nu använder till och med Försvarsmakten appen. Men regeringen vill tvinga bolaget att införa en teknisk bakdörr åt Polisen och Säpo. – Om det blir verklighet så lämnar vi Sverige, säger Signals chef Meredith Whittaker, i en exklusiv intervju med SVT.
Swedish government wants a back door in signal for police and 'Säpo' (Swedish federation that checks for spies)
Let's say that this becomes a law and Signal decides to withdraw from Sweden as they clearly state that they won't implement a back door; would a citizen within the country still be able to use and access Signals services? Assuming that google play services probably would remove the Signal app within Sweden (which I also don't use)
I just want the government to go f*ck themselves, y'know?
I have gotten a few family members and friends to use signal as I stated to them that this is the only way to get ahold of me. Other than this, you won't. And because of me, they decided to do so :P some haven't, but its up to them to decide.
I can't even get my spouse to use it unless she thinks what we are talking about might be illegal where we are (it usually isn't)
I've tried convincing family to use it, but all that happens is I just never hear from them until I see them in person or they call me.
They don't even feel the need to back up their Amazon Kindle collection before they get cutoff from it... Thousands of dollars wasted if they ever lose access to the account.
I highly recommend Obtainium to anyone who wants to keep their apps updated without needing a central report (save for the APKs that only publish on f-droid etc)
Really? I got my family to use it with a simple explanation of why, and why they shouldn't use other things. None of them are very tech-literate.
And also simply saying it's where they can reach me.
I feel like this is a you problem, you don't explain it well to them and make them understand why they should use it.
I'm not going to say it's not a me-problem, but disregarding the fact that if it was that simple it would be more widespread amongst people is making it seem as if we don't try seriously and downplays the effort many like myself put in.
I care about privacy and about my close ones (as many here do) and I explain the issue to them in a nice way so to not come across as a pushy salesman, and they readily admit that they don't want to put the effort in (effort as in learning something new, upkeeping with multiple apps, etc).
It's not that I don't know why they don't switch immidiately - I know why. It's simply that they don't. It's okay not to switch as long as you know the risks and I've explained the risks and they seem to understand it, but it's not enough to get everyone to switch.
If life was that simple with everyone (I know some switch without hesitation) the world would be completely different.
You can explain to a decent normal person the imminent doom we are facing with climate change and they may understand it very well, but they still wont give up on using their car and switch to public transport immidiately, because it is an inconvenience.