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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 48
  • IIRC, it's more that they over time figure out what sounds and actions get their owner's attention. We respond better, unconsiously or otherwise when they meow at us.

    My old cat figured out, before I did, that if she knocks shit off the coffee table I get up and check if her bowl is empty.

    Generally wild/feral adult cats are more or less mute outside of anger/mating/territory calls, but domesticated cats keep their kitten vocalizations if we respond to them.

    My current cat is very vocal and we responded playfully to his meowing as he grew up.

    Edit: Here's a scientific american blog/article about it. I don't think it's something we have confirmation on, just a good hunch.

  • So, GayBros, how are you doing?
  • My fiance is a recovering addict and has been through a manic episode for the past couple weeks.

    He also apparently used this week too.

    He's starting to finally relax, but god I'm tired.

  • Goblin care
  • They keep demanding a worthless quail bone bracelet, menacing with spikes of dolomite, and I hold my ground.

    The furnaces with course with the metal of their armor, as the rivers run with their goblin blood... and hallways because DF is weird with water pollutants.

  • Did you know Colt makes a really effective rape whistle?
  • I think that's the point of a rape whistle, people might ignore a call for help, but will instinctively look towards a shrill piercing whistle.

    They might not help, but extra visibility might deter the attacker.

  • Bernie Sanders keeps saying Ol-ah-gawky but I thought it was o-le-garky?
  • I'll also toss A Way with Words on the pile too. It's a long running NPR-adjacent radio show/podcast about linquistics.

    My favorite was a dive they did on the descriptor "like a dead preacher" to refer to an annoying awkward thing to move.

  • Why do people see me as far older than 19 when I type the way I do sometimes?/Why do people think full stops are rude?
  • Yes, each generation has words or a style of typing that they grew up or had to adapt to.

    IIRC Boomers and Gen Z use more emoji than Gen X and Y.

    Millenials grew up with keyboards, so they tend to type full sentences, punctuation, shit like that. With Gen X being a toss-up.

    Boomers tend to use formal language, but they suck at distilling their thoughts into something another human person can understand. (Boomer ramblings on Facebook)

    Wish I could find the article that broke it down, but search engine sludge makes any question about generations into links to quizzes.

  • Barred from running for a third term, Trump keeps talking about it
  • I looked it up when I saw it, it seems like it comes from a fable with a similar moral to "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"

    A camel sticks his nose under the edge of a tent for warmth, it's owner (or a stranger w/e) allows it to out of kindness. Then the camel slowly worms it's entire body in the tent and refuses to budge.

    It's a slippery slope parable.

    In a sane society Trump should be in prison.

  • What's a food that triggers a strong memory in you?

    Butterfinger BBs always reminds me of my mother.

    She was a single mother; so on her days off she would pick me up from my grandmother's and we would go to a convenience store and get snacks and sodas. (and for some reason she would get a pack of swishers, no ideas why she would want snacks with a cigarillo, especially since she would slice them open)

    We'd go back to my uncle's house she was renting a room from, hang out in her bedroom and watch The Simpsons, eat butterfingers, and play Mario World.


    Izzy! No!

    You activated my trap card! You fool!
