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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 65
Virtual currencies are ‘fictions’, Take-Two argues in microtransaction theft lawsuit
  • Do you believe that every game that uses a central server should be required to compensate players when eventually those online services are shut down? Because I would say that games shutting down is a completely reasonable part of how these things work, and a reasonable expectation by the players when they buy into that system. You're paying for access to content for the lifespan of the game, not an eternal entitlement to active servers until the heat death of the universe.

  • Virtual currencies are ‘fictions’, Take-Two argues in microtransaction theft lawsuit
  • It's funny how the jackoff admins never remove anything from the unhinged guy calling everything he doesn't like a scam in need of government intervention, but always make sure to remove everyone who criticizes him. Quite telling about their integrity

  • Nintendo Switch Is Now Japan's Top-Selling Game System Ever
  • Believe it or not, the majority of people don't just default to "but I could just pirate this instead", especially when a decent computer will easily be more than twice as expensive as a switch.

    Beyond that, you lose out on the multi-player aspect of things. The switch is also far better in terms of portability than the alternatives in pc space, both in terms of size and battery life.

  • Several European retailers are reportedly no longer stocking physical Xbox games
  • I mean it makes sense. The S was marketed as a budget console, so all the people looking for the actual current Gen platform just lurked around until an X popped up for sale. And beyond that, the S didn't get hit by the chip shortage nearly as hard since it's lower end hardware.

  • PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for February: Foamstars, Rollerdrome, Steelrising
  • This is probably the best chance foamstars is going to get, and tbh it sorely needs it. It's a game that wears it's inspiration on its shoulder a bit too proudly. It needs to get itself out there and actually show people what makes it unique, rather than just "you wanted splatoon but couldn't be assed to get a switch". Because from what I've seen, it definitely has the potential to be it's own thing, but the advertising so far does an abysmal job at really setting it apart.

  • The problem with liberation groups in monster-taming games (Pokemon, Palworld)
  • Pokemon black/white is definitely an interesting game while still bringing it in to a satisfying return to status quo. You're initially introduced to team plasma right after you get your first pokemon, and have not only had a chance to catch some early game mons, but are even encouraged to catch as many as you can by your friends. Team plasma, then, provides a stark contrast, the proposal that pokemon should be free from humans, and humans are just oppressing them. You then bump into N, who sees your bond with your pokemon, and has his own worldview challenged, that maybe humans and pokemon are strongest together.

    Further into the game, you discover that team plasma is just a farce to separate people from their pokemon in order to make it easy for ghetsis to take over, and that he carefully manipulated N's gift to be able to talk to pokemon in order to make him truly believe in the cause of pokemon liberation. And this is displayed through the gameplay as well. N doesn't have a permanent team. Rather, he uses pokemon from the nearby routes whenever you battle him, and he lets them go afterwards.

    The conclusion of the story is that there is no one right answer, that neither truth nor ideals are the way forward on their own. N is convinced by you through your efforts that pokemon and people are truly capable of achieving greater heights together, while still accepting that there are pokemon being abused that are deserving of help.

    Insert b2w2. It's a few years later, and team plasma has split. There's the faction who follows ghetsis, neo plasma, and the traditionalists who still follow N. While the latter is focused on righting the wrongs of plasma's past, neo plasma has moved to be more extreme, with ghetsis still seeking power.

    Fun side note, the climax with ghetsis and kyurem is the only time in the series where the antagonist tries to kill the player. Not beat you in a battle. Kill you. Directly and personally.

  • What's the best way to manage wallpapers on multiple monitors?

    I recently figured out my new setup, but one thing I've been struggling with are my wallpapers. I use 3 monitors, one 21:9 and two 16:9s, one of which is portrait. As a result, my wallpaper situation is messy since wallpapers for one don't work on the others. On my old setup, I just had a big folder of backgrounds I collected over the years set to be a sideshow using the default windows settings, and I'd like to do something similar, but with a specific folder for each monitor. I've tried the steam wallpaper engine, but to do that, I'd have to individually import each background as a new wallpaper which would be far too intensive given the volume.
