Nothing inside a video game should cost real money. It's a scam. Games make you value arbitrary nonsense - that is what makes them games. Attaching a dollar value to that manipulation is instantly unethical.
This exploitation started in "free" mobile trash and is now in full-price flagship titles. It's in subscription MMOs. It's in single-player games. Publishers can shove it in after-the-fact, at little cost and less risk. You were never going to shop your way out of it. It is the dominant strategy.
If we allow this to continue, there will be nothing else. Only legislation will fix this.
'Why'd you say it's in every game ever?' Didn't. 'But why are you lying though?'
'Just don't buy it!' It's a scam. 'Just don't get scammed!'
This topic invites the dumbest bickering. People hear "game" and "law" and lose their damn minds. Guys: bus-i-ness mo-del. The games themselves will be fine. The problem is the business. They take your money wrong.
Since nobody else can see princess whats-her-face:
It's a scam when you get nothing, but think you got something. Consent doesn't matter if the whole thing is a trick. And it is a trick: that's what games do. That's what games are for. They trick you into valuing arbitrary worthless crap. Points, hits, lives, goals - they're not real. They are achievable fictions for making your brain squirt the happy juice.
Your brain is not great at separating forms of value. That's why points and crap feel good. It's also why swapping that made-up value for USD is an exploitation of predictable irrationality.
(And for fuck's sake, 'just sell games' doesn't double-secret-reverse mean 'don't sell games.' Buying games is the ideal. Nothing inside a video game should cost real money. That is the scam.)
Even if you want to bicker about how actually receiving a made-up thing counts, somehow, you will never convince me some fake hat is worth the price of an entire goddamn game. But that shit's all over this industry, now. There's imaginary objects that expect hundreds of dollars. Whole-ass AAA games do not cost hundreds of dollars. Anyone getting manipulated into paying that kind of money, for one thing inside a much larger game, is a victim. As surely as if they'd agreed to pay $5000 for a PS5 because you told them Sony stopped making it. They got exactly what you offered - at a price that's fucking robbery, because you lied to them about everything else.
So what if new movies need an anal probe? There's lots of old movies.
This is a scam.
This is an abuse, for money. For a lot of money. It's so profitable that "just don't buy it!" was never going to work. This is the dominant strategy - it is infecting everything. Nothing inside a video game should ever cost real money, but every game that matters is liable to demand thousands of your actual dollars. 'Just play Tetris lawl' is an aggressive denial of a global problem.
There are plenty, plenty of games that "matter" that respect players and don't rob them blind of their money or their time with arbitrary grind bullshit.
"This is spreading to everything." "It's not in everything yet."
Yeah. That's what spreading means.
Do you think this problem vanishes if it only infects 90% of games? You gonna tut and scold over this growing abuse, which you acknowledge is an abuse, so long as there's one game somewhere that didn't choose an invalid money-sucking business model? "Lol?"
It's not anywhere close to everything. There are far more quality games that don't do anything like it than quality games that do. It's primarily the same AAA shovelware that's also terrible for 50 other disastrous design decisions and isn't actually playable regardless of the business model.
It's spreading TO everything. Do you understand what that means? It does not mean "it's in everything." It means: it's in a lot of things, and it's coming to a lot more things. Potentially: all of them.
And again - if it's not literally everything, does that make the problem go away? You, yourself, just now, said this business model is not valid. Why the fuck are you still defending its existence?
but every game that matters is liable to demand thousands of your actual dollars
This is not ambiguous. It is an insane ridiculous lie, and the extreme bad faith of posting it inherently invalidates your ability to take part in the discussion.
Then come back and try to engage in this discussion in a way that matters - like when I ask, if YOU think this business model is NOT VALID, why the fuck is it okay? Even if you think someone overstepped from "it's already half the industry holy shit" to some absolute - why is ANY example tolerable?
If you agree this business model is a scam, the appropriate number of examples is zero. I shouldn't have to litigate whether the current number of example is a fuckload, a bunch, or a totality. All of those are far too many.