I have no issues with the sex cards as such, but in the game the sex scene are often at the stranges and dumbest times.
It breaks the tone and pacing of the story all the time, if they cut those it will make the game a lot better, in my opinion.
I didn't care much for them back then, but I sure as fuck tried to bed every single of the ladies that could be!
I'd be sad if there were not as many romance options as the original! At the very least, Shani is bound to be more developed, I guess. That would be nice. I wish they had recognized it a bit more in TW3, but I guess they had no way to recover that from the save files :/ (unlike what they did with some of your choices from TW2)
"First and foremost, we need an honest, down-to-earth analysis of which parts are simply bad, outdated, or unnecessarily convoluted and need to be remade," said CD Projekt Red CEO, Jakub Rokosz. Rokosz did not disclose what exactly he means by by bad, outdated, and unnecessarily convoluted. What he does note is that the team wants to "create something that is both satisfying and still resonates with the feel of the original."
I don't fear sexual content, on the contrary, but often it is added in a very bad and inopportune manner.
There is a time for sex and that is not in the middle of a bloody battlefield or in a cave while outside a mob prepares to kill the witch inside.
I mean, there's some in the Witcher 3, and they let you choose your dick/vagina in cyberpunk. The options were kind of shit, but it means they aren't that afraid of adult content.
It's possible they're telling the truth and think some of the content just wasn't good.