Crazy thought: how about we get Greedy Oil Mogul and his ilk to fund the rapid transition, since they stalled progress in order to keep profiting from the current state for so long.
Great, so now we need a new emoji that unequivocally means “I have seen and acknowledge this post without necessarily agreeing or supporting its message”.
You know, if it’s a hastily assembled bot based on GPT trained using public web data, there’s a good chance it’s already picking up a lot on anti-spez sentiment. There might even be an opportunity for ‘malicious actors’ to accelerate that outcome, should they choose.
Is Narwhal still a thing? I stopped using it years ago because it was basically abandonware.
Given Huffman’s apparent lack of integrity, this is sadly plausible.
Also figs, dates, prunes - anything with a lot of sorbitol or fructans, which have a known laxative effect.
Nice theory, but when populations start to run low I guarantee these fuckers will just reintroduce them. We’re not talking about people with a lot of scruples here.
- That’s the kind of goal that politicians love to set so they can blow a lot of hot air without ever having to worry about delivering.
Also rats aren’t our only introduced pest. Possums, cats, stoats, dogs, deer, pigs, goats and more. They’ll be harder to get rid of, especially with selfish idiots deliberately reintroducing them so they can keep hunting. Yes, it happens.
I don’t suppose there’s any way to do that if you deleted your account after deleting comments?
Japan number 2.
On reflection, I think I’ll stick with “instantaneous death from high pressure implosion”, thanks.
Sadly, he didn’t get a chance to learn from his mistake. Hopefully others will, however.
Or - crazy thought - perhaps they could teach skills relevant to the 21st century?
Christ no. That was one of the most cringeworthy things about Reddit, right up there with forced pun threads and tHe nArWhAl bAcOnS At mIdNiGhT.