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Slow news day?
  • Now that’s a crunchie, the size of five books!

  • Donald Trump says Keir Starmer doing 'very good job'
  • Could have invited him around for dinner I suppose 🤣

  • Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination
  • Unfortuantely nothing I can do to keep it from rising. So giving blood is the only way to reduce the levels atm. Only thing you can do is reduce the amount it increases with a bit of a diet change, cutting down on meat and alcohol especially. And eating certain things that helps your body deal with iron more efficantly, like dark chocolate… I get to use the line, “my doctor told me to have this after every meal” 😂

  • Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination
  • So yeah you can’t when your iron levels are too high but when it goes down to normal levels you can become a regular donator, which then helps keep the levels down.

    With my super iron blood I can then donate blood every 8 weeks instead of the normal 12. If I am remembering that right.

  • Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination
  • Yeah exactly this. Have the one condition were leeches would have actually been useful :D

  • Yorkshire Tea: "Meanwhile over on Twitter, someone's making tea in an air fryer."
  • If the rich teas are in the other side of that air fryer it really will be the end of times!

  • Bloodletting recommended for Jersey residents after PFAS contamination
  • Huh interesting, as someone who has to bloodlet regularly... nice to know my PFAS levels should be a bit lower.

    Additionally - not good people are having to do it because of this. Just further scares me of the quality of our drinking water by all our crazy water providers.

  • People who moved to the UK from another country: what are your fellow countrymen not ready to hear about the UK?
  • Well I don’t know if I technically count, but England’s chip shops… why do you not have cheesy chips? What has cheese or a blend of three excellent cheeses done to you?

  • Even great data couldn't solve the UK’s COVID woes
  • Hmmm only have had a quick look but from a brief look into trying to find out who harvardpublichealth actually are, not sure I trust anything what they say not to be some political/medical propaganda.

    Lets not forget they put all the data in an excel spreadsheet and then lost a lot. So yeah best public health data in the world... very much arguable.

  • Porridge and crumpets among list of breakfast food in anti-obesity ban
  • Get yourself on the dark web to watch the latest crunchie advert.

  • Vegan drink Oatly can’t call itself ‘milk’, judges rule
  • I love me some porridge water. Especially a porridge water latte.

    You know what, I have zero problem calling it that, own it oatly! :D

  • Britain’s twenty happiest places to live
  • Chorley you can’t be serious.

    Sorry I couldn’t resist. Bargain!

  • Britain’s twenty happiest places to live
  • So not only do I get to be sad I don’t live any of those places, I am also sad I can’t afford to live any of those places.

    Well… maybe sterling…

  • We counted all the chocolates inside Quality Street, Miniature Heroes, Celebrations and Roses - there's a change since last year
  • I feel like it’s only fair to confirm this science with my own personal study.

  • lashings for anyone who even THINKS about avocado on their sarnies
  • Now now... that's assuming any Gen Z can afford a sandwich ;)

    Woke air sandwich!

  • Do toasters really need to come with a 12 page instruction manual?
  • “Cancel button does not reset your toast back to bread.”

  • Thames Water supply ‘on knife-edge’ with £23bn repairs needed
  • "Saving" all that money... then forking out 9.5 million on yearly executive bonuses...

  • What's on your Christmas list?
  • I am so bad at thinking of things to tell people to get me. But this year everyone is chipping in a little bit and getting me a cheap build your own bass guitar kit. It’s going to sound terrible but hey… at least might be a bit fun.