The stuff they said about Millennials was the same stuff they said about Gen X, minus the specifics of liking avocados. It's the age old cycle of old people being mad that young people exist and might have different preferences. Tale as old as time, sadly.
My guess is it isn't old people themselves being mad, but the media trying to make them hate young people so they vote conservative. They're more likely to vote conservative if they have am enemy who's taking over that they hate.
Woke really does just mean "anything that suggests any adjustment whatsoever to my pre-installed beliefs, behaviours or feelings". I would assume the Daily Mail would also consider uninstalling McAfee Anti-virus from a new Dell desktop to be "woke".
What I love about how the term got defined in court by Desantis is that it is something that recognizes systemic wrong doing within our government practices. Thus anyone who believes our schools are to woke, are thus being woke. Anyone who believes our borders have not been addressed properly, are in fact woke. Trump is woke unless he believes all of our governmental practices are and were perfect before he enters office.
I like like all of the above and fancy woke sandwiches. And I'm an older Brit. I have no idea what point I'm trying to make. Get off my lawn! Ooh, innit cold?
Beans on toast isn't a sandwich. If it's anything, it's an exotic form of pizza considering that it's a flat bread with tomato sauce and a bean and cheese topping.
Gen Z Brits are turning their backs on British sandwich classics like ham and mustard and cheese and onion in favour of 'fancy' fillings like avocado, olives and continental cheese.
The British are REALLY into their hilariously crap food, aren't they? Someone on here was actually defending a sandwich that was two slices of bread, an inch of cheese and an inch of raw onion. It's like, when the French or Italians get uppity about their cuisine, it feels like they have a point? The British though...
Your definition of the ultimate food fit for the gods is...a fried potato and butter sandwich? Look, I'm a y'all sayin inch measurin' moon landin' American; you don't have to offer me a fistful of carbs, fat and cholesterol twice. At the same time, you're also not convincing me it's the highest height that food can reach, because I've ever had smoked brisket.
I think the closest a human can get to eating Ambrosia without actually eating Ambrosia is probably Watergate salad?
It's not good food. No one is pretending that it is. It IS a convenient and cheap meal that someone can pop out and get in a few mins.
The problem, like with fast food, is that the £3 meal deal is now the £5 meal deal, and with smaller portions that meal deal is creeping towards £7-10. At a given point, you may as well get a proper nice sandwich or meal elsewhere.
Funny how avocado- a staple in Mexican food- end up being a woke ingredient. I can't stand guacamole but it's a damn site more popular than stuff sliced on a peice of toast