There's people who don't even know there's a crumb tray to clean. Also, the manual likely has multiple languages and, of course, a bunch of warnings because people are stupid and incapable of taking accountability for their poor decision-making ability. "How was I supposed to know you couldn't put the toaster in the dishwasher?"
Also, gotta spell it out for the people with below average intelligence not to stick fingers, fork, or hands in it. The Toaster isn't a substitute for a rubber duck, etc. lol
If any of it contained repair documentation that'd actually be pretty cool, but I'm pretty sure it's mostly just "how to press a button", and "please don't put this in the bathtub"
Probably just covering legal bases so they don't get sued to oblivion because they didn't tell people that toast can burn at prolonged exposure to toasting. And other stuff like that.
It annoys me on toasters like this that you can't activate just one side. If you want to toast a single slice then you still have to have all the elements on instead of just the ones where the bread is.