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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
12 mo. ago
  • For the most part computer engineers cannot get jobs in America. Though as a result of that there are now very few computer engineering grads in America. The point is that even very important college majors don't get jobs because they outsourced them overseas. Meaning, it was your statement that was lacking in nuance and complexity.

  • That's simply NOT true. When the Republicans are bulldozed out of the way, Democrats go full speed ahead. Look at California. Newsom has gone absolute gangbusters with the GOP helpless in his path. We're a bullet train of progress here!

  • Biden can't do it by himself. But we who dumped Trump the first time - minorities and women - will.

    Regardless, the United States is doomed to collapse and Balkanize. I'd rather see that than live under a white patriarchal theocratic ethnostate. And I'm not the only one. You'd best take that seriously. You will live to see the USA end. Mark that.

  • Lemmy Shitpost

    Have phobia, will travel

    Unpopular Opinion [Locked]

    You should be able to ask "I want a CIS mate" in a dating app without being shamed.

    There's this rising narrative going around that if you ask specifically for a CIS partner, you're a transphobe. That could be true for some people but it's not fundamentally related to bigotry. Moreover, this narrative, the "if you only want a CIS mate then that is prejudice" is trampling on one of the most important rights a person can have: the right to choose who they want to get intimate with.

    First of all, transmen are in fact men and transwomen are in fact women. Let's get that out of the way. This isn't a foot in the door for "trans this really isn't that" narratives. What this is about it is the freedom to choose who you want to be intimate with. That right is sancrosanct, it is absolutely inviolable.

    And yes, there's plenty of issues that make transgender dating a special issue. If someone reveals their TG status they can be open to hate crimes and even deadly violence. However all marginalized groups are special in their own way. As a black man I don't think it's racist