That looks great. Care to share your dough prep?
Perfectly happy with my username thank you very much
Wefwef app was struggling last week. Today, it's been very solid. Sticking with it moving forward
I've had my best results using the recipe at
No oil or sugar helps the dough not burn at high temps. I use a combo of 00 of wheat and king Arthur's pizza flour
The biggest difference is that the ooni seems to add more of browning/crispiness and rapid rise during the cook
You will definitely burn your first 10 pizzas, but you get the hand of it. Trick is to start at high heat and then drop the flame down when you launch, gives you some time for the dough to set so you can move it around
Homemade, have tinkered with a bunch of different types and flours
Kenji's Thin Crust from NY Times Cooking
Yield: 2 (14-inch) crusts
- 300grams bread flour (about 2¼ cups, see Tips)
- 7grams sugar (about 1½ teaspoons)
- 7grams salt (about 1¼ teaspoons table salt or 1¾ teaspoons kosher salt)
- 1gram instant yeast (about ¼ teaspoon)
- 150grams cold water (150 milliliters, about ⅔ cup)
- 30grams neutral oil, such as light olive oil, vegetable oil or corn oil
- Semolina or cornmeal, for dusting
Normal US oven at 500 degrees with a pizza stone