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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago
  • From all I've seen, this is a very cool game, I've just never had the opportunity to play through it for myself other than a demo on the original Xbox.

    I think it's available on Steam. I'll pick it up and give it a go!

    Thank you for the recommendation.

  • Oh my god, you are a legend. Thank you so much for letting me know about these mods. I didn't even think to check for them.

    Going to have an insane amount of fun with it again!

    And yeah. So many people that I recommended it to thought it was just AoE 2 again. But as you say, it actually has a ton more complexity. And the map editor and storylines were pretty awesome too.

  • All excellent choices from the ones I know. I particularly love galactic battlegrounds (also you're the first person I've met that's ever heard of it!) And Episode 1: racer.

    You seem to have good taste, so I'll check out Rogue Squadron and Phantom Menace!

    And obviously these are just my opinions, I can't fault anyone else for what they prefer.

    My personal overall fav is Kotor 2. It's so good.

  • The change is necessary for sure, but the person you're replying to was making the point that the 'allow' in the title is silly. Because it implies that it was previously legally forbidden to refuse a call from your boss.

    Your work environment may be shitty (I work in a professional environment as well and no way am I answering to anyone outside of my hours) but that doesn't mean the law is forcing you to answer the phone.

    So yeah, good law, bad title.

  • It's kinda hilarious to me that you think people would possibly revolt anymore. Noble goal, never gonna happen.

    Gates will keep living the long, rich life of luxury he's lived and corps will keep getting more powerful.

    People are just too apathetic, and governments are too powerful.

  • Barely anything was left in the library by the time it burned down. It's quite a myth that all that much was lost at all. By the time of its destruction, most of its books and knowledge has been moved elsewhere due to decades of reduced funding and support.

    Furthermore, the burning did not destroy the entire library. It was a gradual process over a long period of time. What destroyed far more of the books is a lack of care to copy them. Paper and papyrus don't last that long, so the only way to permanently maintain them was by copying them out again. Which is a lot of work.

  • I don't say this to be edgy or confrontational, but it's not like that for everyone. I am 26 and have no idea how to empathise with people, it's not an innate thing for me and I have to put a lot of effort into learning it.

    Not really here to argue any point, just food for thought.