People forget that a large portion of the original Nazis were hardened WWI vets, not soft plutocrat tech bros.
Buy a third set and then pick two devices for each pair.
It's both, just that it's really about one of them and the other is just a cherry on top.
Don't try to frame this as a hangup of mine and act like you haven't been thoroughly participating in this debate in a way entirely hyperfixated on "it's about control". You're better than that.
You still think this is about exerting a control they have yet to exercise, instead of the far more obvious thing I've repeated about 5 times and you've ignored each time:
Lol, you realise the 1. And 2. On a dictionary imply separate contexts, right? You intentionally chose the context for apology that applies to a defence of criticism in literature, not a person to person apology for a mistake made.
You've made yourself a clown and now you're doubling down. It's so rich, I love it. I'm going to end this little exchange on this delicious high note. Enjoy your weekend with your hand, buddy, because I won't respond anymore, I'll just let you impotently stew in it!
Yep, it's called Bluetooth bone conducting headphones and if you're that deaf, you should buy a cheap pair. They're only like $20 on Amazon. Saves you being a loud asshole in public and makes hearing your phone infinitely easier.
Bluetooth is a bigger hastle than just plugging in a wire.
What? Literally every single pair of Bluetooth headphones I own auto connect to my phone by the time I have both buds in my ears.
And all the cheap ones use Micro-B instead of C for charging
I bought a cheap pair of $20 anker ones a couple years ago for gardening and they're USB c. Even the cheapo taotronics I got from AliExpress were USB c. I don't think micro has been in use for a while now.
Because they never exercise it in respect to social media?
See how you can't see past this one simple concept and keep circling back?
- a : an admission of error or discourtesy accompanied by an expression of regret (see: being sorry, ya incel)
You picked the second definition on Webster's because the first one made you look like a clown. The second one is even marked "excuse" because it's being used in the literary sense and not in the sense of apologising to someone.
Fucking lol
No I used my preferred dictionary
Urban dictionary? You skipped the first definition because it included the word sorry and made you look like a moron.
Projection much?
Nah, been happily married 10 years, ya incel. Sounds like I hit a nerve.