Wtf is this dystopian sh!t?
I mean we'll see, I learned that apparently Oppenheimer was a communist?
Reddit recommended me a "science" subreddit
How true is the Chinese hacker myth?
Anytime online video game cheating is brought up, Chinese people are blamed and this thread supposedly is sourced a lot. Just wondering if this is all true or there are other factors like higher population/just don't notice non-chinese names?
Do you know what, specifically, they are complaining about?
Somehow this blatantly racist shit gets up voted. (OPs name is Ukraine related, colour me surprised).
Reddit letting the mask slip
Yeah they have the audacity to invade our space and then complain, and when we try to tell them to have an open mind, they respond with "tankes".
What is beehaw even about.
There should be a list of who is federated with who cause at this point its all just word of mouth.
Why would they hurt nazis? They'd be hurting themselves.
Reddit uncharacteristically optimistic about the capitalist hellhole they are going to be living in.
One guy said maybe the rich will worry about climate change now that they will live long enough, lmao.
What are your thoughts on AI Art?
As an artist, I think it is a net negative for us. Disregarding the copyright issue, I think it's also consolidating power into large corporations, going to kill learning fundamental skills (rip next generation of artists), and turn the profession into a low skill minimum wage job. Artists that spent years learning and perfecting their skills will be worth nothing and I think it's a pretty depressing future for us. Anways thoughts?