I'm really glad we've federated with Hexbear. The weeks in between the reddit Lib influx and the Hexbear federation were really rough, since the shitty lib takes seemed to pop up way more than I was comfortable with. But as soon as we federate we end up once again with an overwhelming majority of based takes. Thank you Hexbearists for backing us up against the Lib idiots!
I was pissed when the colonial government in hawaii did nothing to help us when we burn, and move mountains to evac tourists. And now that they've sent "aid", I'm even more pissed.
you want to know why?
Instead of sending extra volunteers, more firefighters, or further aid. Instead of stopping the landlord leeches currently using this crisis to further buy up land.
they sent a mortuary assistant to help identify our burnt corpses
Regardless of what happens with people in the wider fediverse demanding to defederate from Hexbear, I will always be glad to have our friends from Lemmygrad beside us
The water suppliers over here are starting to refer to people as customers like water isn't a basic human right and they are rolling out a digital meter to track your water usage to the last drop (and charge you for it). This meter is closely watched by the EU to implement everywhere.
Everywhere should have free water like Ireland but metered with a sensible amount of water free and anything over the designated free water amount sold for a sensible price. I've seen too many people in Ireland forget to turn off water all the time and using it like it's not a precious resource just because it's free.
There's this Dutch energy company of which 40% of the customers have solar panels installed. They generate enough electricity for the people to give back to the company to store. This costs money, of course. Their solution? Have the customers pay for the electricity THEY PRODUCE. So you have these people, who want to have an eco friendly way of producing energy, and you're going to fuck them over once more. You just can't win in this system ๐ซ ๐ซ ๐ซ
I've heard this happens over here too, their lazy justification for it in our case is that you're still using their grid to distribute the energy. As opposed to building your own grid, I guess.
if you don't like my electrical grid, just use another one!
I've heard of this being done intentionally in many countries, as (partially) self-sustaining households cut into the profits of electricity companies. Spain is an infamous example, though they seem to have ended the practice in 2019.
Legislation introduced in 2013 by Spainโs then-ruling Popular Party made it compulsory for any individual or company to hook their solar panels up to the national grid to be metered and taxed, or face fines running into millions of euros.
Germany solved this "problem" by tacking 3-6c/kWh onto every person's electric bill to pay for the electricity generated by individuals' solar panels. Industry didn't have to pay the surcharge though, just working people. As of last summer it's been abolished, but do you think our electric price has come down?
Your fixation with race is astounding. I've quite honestly never even considered the word 'mongrel' to be racially charged, nor was that my intent. That should be all you need to know, really, but you do go on. The word 'removed' could be ascribed exactly the same level of racially charged slur, but that's not what people generally think, noy whats in the dictionary or wikipedia and not what i think when i hear the word. Nor the word bastard for example. That is unless, of course, race and racism are at the forefront of your mind at all times.
the word 'removed' could be ascribed exactly the same level of racially charged slur, but
I've been asked to become a writer for the upcoming version of our official party line, which will be written after the next National Congress. My name will be forever tied to a published communist piece of literature.
After a local newspaper reported that Webb had died from multiple gunshots, the coroner's office received so many calls asking about Webb's death that Sacramento County Coroner Robert Lyons issued a statement confirming Webb had died by suicide.[71] When asked by local reporters about the possibility of two gunshots being a suicide, Lyons replied "It's unusual in a suicide case to have two shots, but it has been done in the past, and it is in fact a distinct possibility."
When? Did those cases also happen to involve people who challenged the CIA?
Dutch news is running a story about China's youth unemployment of 21%, stating that according to economists, it's a 'telling sign of decay'. Meanwhile Europe is sitting at roughly the same percentage. I wonder what the signs say about that.
That ~21% unemployment rate is based off the 16-24 age group; composed of high school and university students, whose main task is studying and not working.
The icing on the cake was how they said China's economy had a growth of 4-5%. They said that this would be really good for a European country, but for China it is BAD lmao. Meanwhile the EU is committing economic suicide on virtually all levels.
School is starting in many places around the country, so it's a good time to remind everyone that schools in the US are utterly and completely fucked. One of the largest ongoing domestic neoliberal projects is the current privatization of schooling via the charter school system, highly recommend people research it a bit so they know what's going on.
Is it OK if I post the same thing here that I posted in the hexbear megathread? I'm just wanna do it right now. These feelings are hitting me hard. DOnt worry though, I'm about to go to bed.
The problem I'm having with the back and forth with libs is my inherent empathy. I feel for them and want to reach out with them. I can't (Usually) just aggressively dunk and move on.
The worst yet for me was the thing earlier with the guy who can't engage with political memes at all because he thinks they all MIGHT be Russian social media infiltration. I started getting sincerely and genuinely invested in being concerned for their mental health. I actually had like, a continuous low level panic attack going. My body was tense and nervous.
I know the response here is going to be to tell me to just log off and stop getting invested in this, but I really just wanted to vent about how all this is making me feel. I want to help these people out of the bubbles they are in. When they use thought terminating cliches to avoid thinking, it upsets me because god I WANT THEM TO THINK. For their sake.
I think it's good to always act in good faith towards them. But if you explain something three times and they're not at least considering another opinion, that's on them.
It can hurt to care, but the fact that you care means that you are the kind of comrade that leftism needs.
The challenge will be to care in ways that don't burn you out with frustration. Compassion fatigue is a real thing and nurses suffer from it quite often, for example.
It's hard isn't it? I have similar instincts, although I can turn it off when I'm being trolled. Some people don't want to be reached. They aren't talking in good faith. They aren't interested in what you have to say. They know what they are and are happy about it.
You might get hurt if you try to fix everyone. It's okay not to fix them. It's okay not to dunk on them, either. It's okay to say your piece and leave them to think about it. They'll either grow and develop. Or they won't. Liberalism provides an answer to every rebuttal. It might be a shit answer, but it has one. Sometimes planting the seed of doubt is enough.
It would appear to be a custard tart with raspberries and most likely cream, but I suppose it could be "white chocolate" or icing or something like that
Babylon 5. Despite when it was made (in the immediate aftermath of the end of the USSR and all that "end of history" nonsense) it's got a lot of remarkably good takes that aged very well. The show's creator is a student of history. A running theme through the series is "fascists can't be negotiated with, they need to get walled". The show's creator wrote almost all the episodes: 92 out of 110. And most of the ones he didn't write were early in the show's run. Characters just got more and more consistently-well-written as the show went on. The series has a very definitive and satisfying and heart-wrenching finale. This ain't no "Star Trek: Enterprise".
There's also a major theme of respect for others' religions despite the show's creator being an atheist. He's not one of those "new atheist" assholes. His attitude is more "If faith brings someone comfort, and they're not using it as an excuse to harm others, I got no problem with it". The best episode of the series (in my opinion) is entitled "Passing Through Gethsemane", and handles a unique kind of crisis of faith by a Catholic Trappist monk with respect and compassion. A spoiler-free clip of my favourite scene from that episode.
Skip the original made-for-TV-movie pilot "The Gathering". It's not bad at all, it's actually pretty decent. But so much changed between that pilot and the TV series that it's basically an alternate universe. It's worth watching after finishing the series though, as a sort of "what if?" thing.
The first season is rough, but not as rough as its reputation would have you think. I'd put it about on par with the first season of Deep Space 9 in that respect. Skip the episode "TKO" though. It's the "Spock's Brain" of B5. You're missing nothing.
Short version, it's got a lot of consistent themes that left-leaning folks tend to like. Labour solidarity, the problems with aristocracies, the problems with capitalism, the problems with military-industrial complexes, how easily fascism can take root if not continuously weeded out, the dangers of propaganda, the dangers of wishing for a "return" to "the good old days" of empire, the need for compassion and material aid to those who might not be "like us", etc.
I don't know if you've seen it already but I can recommend watching all the Starship Troopers films. A lot of people have watched the first one but the follow ups are great as well. The acting is not Oscar worthy but you'll have a great time. Plus they often have a cheeky society critical undertone.
If you read manga I can recommend Plantes by Makoto Yukimura. It's about a clean up service in space combined with some settler colonialism versus terrorism.
There's a farmers' protest starting in Belgium similar to the one in The Netherlands. The Netherlands' one is hijacked by far right extremists, but for some reason the one starting over here is starting to show some leftist signs. I even saw a sign about how the leader of the biggest neolib right wing party is 'supporting the big capitalists'. The farmers are also targeting big industrial polluters with their actions.
Our party is on it as well. We can't afford to have a Netherlands 2.0 over here, since the left over there completely shit the bed with handling the protest.
I will keep you guys updated, inshallah we may have an uprising
I was told Belgium was quite bigoted. Is it true? I wonder if I've been misled. I was told Netherlands was very progressive but perhaps it was lies from libs. Can you pls share your insight?
You basically have two Belgiums: Flanders (the Dutch part) and Wallonia (the French part) and they are basically two different countries with different cultures.
Flanders has a bit of a far right problem. It's the most populated and richest part of the country and naturally they are still pretty neolib / far right. Since it's the most populated part, most 'big' cities are here (relatively big, only Antwerp and the Brussels area have population over 1 mil). Most problems with migrants etc will happen over there and that unfortunately leads to bigotry among people. From what I have experienced as a migrant, people in Flanders are very reserved and they tend to 'stick to their own church tower', meaning they probably won't move very far from where they were born. They will have the same friend group since daycare basically and every outsider is treated with a lot of suspicion. For me, this meant it was very hard to make friends, and I'm a white guy from The Netherlands even lol. Luckily I live in Antwerp and was able to find a cool group of people, but I can tell they are considered unique persons by 'regular' Flemish people. So I ended up with lots of queer friends, commie friends, migrant friends and other Dutch people. I wouldn't call the Flemish people bigoted per se. It's not like they are all raging racists, most of them just tend to be very reserved. But I will say that a decent amount of them do have a far right problem. Compared to The Netherlands I feel like people are definitely less open minded. At my first job no one even introduced themselves to me lol. It took them a few months to figure out why I moved to Belgium. And again, I'm white. Can't imagine what it's like to be non-white, non-Dutch speaking.
Wallonia I know less of. They are more left leaning and they even have one actual right wing party versus multiple center or left leaning ones (and our Marxist party, of course!). They are the poorer part of the country, mostly due to the fall of heavy industry. Never ask a Flemish guy what he thinks about Wallonia otherwise he pulls his mask off and goes on a Hitler like racist rant. It's insane how they think about their fellow countrymen. It has absolutely beautiful nature with never ending hills and woods, and they make world class beer. I always like going to Wallonia. The people I meet there are very friendly and down to earth. I don't live there, so I can't fully speak for them, but I'm willing to say they are far less bigoted then the Flemish people.
I wouldn't call The Netherlands that progressive either. A lot of people say that due to the 1970s-early 00s in which we did make great steps forward regarding weed, LGBTQ+ rights and social securities. But for the last 25 years or so, neoliberale policies have taken place and they seem to be a holy line of thought right now. Right wing extremism is on the rise, we are consistently going lower on the LGBTQ+ rights list, inequality is growing at a tremendous pace and society is highly individual. If I were to bet money on where actual revolution would take place, my money would be on Belgium. There's a far stronger class consciousness here. Unions have a lot more power, with over 60% of all working people being a member. We have an actual marxist party and it's growing fast.
Hewwo, 'gradians. I see your weekly is less active than our daily so I came here to entertain you. Do you want to hear of the great tragedy of Twink the Unwise?
Captcha? It should be an archive. It's an economist article (that economist), about the war in Ukraine. It has such wonderful pearls:
As Yuval Noah Harari, a historian and author, wrote this year, โmost governments stopped seeing wars of aggression as an acceptable tool to advance their interests, and most nations stopped fantasising about conquering and annexing their neighbours.โ
The Correlates of War Project, an international research outfit, has collected data on every interstate war fought since 1816, after the Napoleonic wars. These data confirm that warsโmeaning conflicts between states with at least 1,000 battle deaths in one yearโare becoming much rarer. In the past three decades there have only been five, including the current one between Russia and Ukraine.
Emphasis mine
War is also rare between democracies (the number of which has increased in the past 200 years), perhaps because voters tend not to like the costs of it and boot out their belligerent leaders. Some scholars even argue that, depending on how strictly you define democracy, two have never gone to war with each other.
Fall semester at university is starting soon and Iโm excited to share everything that happens during my next Political Science class! Iโll also post about anything related from my other courses too, such as psychology and history.
Does anyone else accidentally tap the up vote button when their screen jumps while typing on lemmygrad in a browser and lose everything they were typing? I'm wondering if I'm the clumsiest person here.
I saw on Hexbear that some users from the 'general' instances are creating new accounts Hexbear (here too?) because they're upset with defederation, etc. One problem may be that if they signed up to an instance with a personal email address and then sign up here or on Hexbear with the same name, they may put themselves at risk of being doxed if they make the wrong enemy through e.g. their lemmygrad account. Is it worth featuring a post telling people to use a new, anonymous name on lemmygrad if they create an account to protect their identity? This won't stop wreckers ruining someone's reputation but it may offer some security.
Welcome to the future where tech is getting worse all the time.
Google was garbage so I used a chatbot for the very first time. I asked it why the actor Ken Howard left the tv series "Crossing Jordan". He started out in the main cast but by season 4 (2005) he only appeared in one episode and then he had left the series. The chatbot produced total crap that seemed real.
Ken Howard left the show Crossing Jordan in 2006 due to his starring role in the Broadway revival of the Pulitzer Prize winning play '1776'. Howard had already been appearing in theatre productions while working on the show, but the producers of Crossing Jordan allowed him to take part in the musical as long as he was able to make it back for shooting.
However, once the show became a hit, it was difficult for the producers to accommodate his schedule. In addition, Howard was offered the chance to play the lead role in the film adaptation of 'The White Countess' which he also could not pass up. Ultimately, he had to make a difficult decision between continuing his role in Crossing Jordan and pursuing the new opportunities.
Howard appeared in the 1972 movie "1776". But there was no ~2006 Broadway revival of "1776". The revival happened in 2022. Howard died in 2016.
"The White Countess" came out in 2005 but Howard had nothing to do with it.
watching that one mutant kdrama with the SO, moment when the cia fed wasn't cooperating but then shits his pants and folds instantly once the mss is on the line, surprised disney let that one through
weird that the SK government doesn't crack down harder on negative sentiment against american occupation in media