Beehaw is a community of individuals and therefore does not have any specific
political affiliation. At this point in time, we do not know what the political
leanings of most of our users are. I would suspect that many of them would
identify as progressive because we are explicitly a safe space for ...
Some of the instances that we have chosen to defederate with have explicit political stances and ideologies. Their political stance and ideology had nothing to do with the choice to defederate. The choice to defederate was based on the amount of hate speech present on the instance and/or explicitly endorsing it.
What fucking hate speech, you weasly, lying shitlib. Your kind cheers on Russian deaths, calling them “orcs”, then you have the audacity to accuse us of hate speech? Go on, make more orientalist posts about China, and then come back and lecture us on hate speech.
The only “hate speech” I have is the hate for your dogshit, genocidal politics.
Our instance explicitly disallows and bans bigotry, and he’s going around posting this shit
Edit: And thinking about it more, the admins are basically agreeing going "fuck the devs we would switch off if we could", after everything the devs did to placate them, offering to pay for server hosting, putting them and not us on the reccomended server list, explicitly pinning posts asking people to go else where, and they're still shitting on them for "muh evil tankies!!!". The devs should have never listened to these whining liberals, and I think should maybe defederate from beehaw themselves like holy fuck you can't trust liberals for anything
Our instance explicitly disallows and bans bigotry, and he’s going around posting this shit
Also note that basically everyone banned for bigotry on lemmy was from beehaw, sopuli, feddit and other lib instance. Even Dessalines activated when the shitlibs started malding about being banned and told them it is how it is.
exactly it's racism and thinly veiled hate speech central over there (I dare you to find one positive post about China), and yet this is the excuse they use for defederating from us? I wish Dessalines and nutomic weren't so nice (ironically), they should have been clapped for this awhile ago
Your kind cheers on Russian deaths, calling them “orcs”, then you have the audacity to accuse us of hate speech? Go on, make more orientalist posts about China, and then come back and lecture us on hate speech.
That's almost precisely the point. These shitlibs don't consider that type of speech "political." They have such a warped idea of what politics is. That kind of speech isn't hateful and political in their tiny brains, it's "common sense" and apolitical. Politics for them is exclusively Team Red vs. Team Blue, or whatever the local colours are.
I, I have no words, WE went though all of this, they tried to get us blackballed because we were communists, lead the charge to get every instance to block us because we refused to be liberals, and now they are saying that, our being communist had nothing to do with defederating? Do they expect us to have no memory, or do they expect the new exidus to fall for it, and renew the push on and ect. to blackball us agian. We have and always will stand aganst hate speech and against fascism. If you bothered to listen to us maybe you would know that, but once more all I can say is BEEHAW SHAKES FIST
our being communist had nothing to do with defederating?
Silly tankie. Don't you know that anyone who isn't part of the US state department compatible left isn't a real communist? /j
Do they expect us to have no memory, or do they expect the new exidus to fall for it, and renew the push on and ect. to blackball us agian.
Since we're talking about an exodus of redditors, they might not even need the push to defederate.
the only kind of politics that are banned here are those which enable hate speech such as fascism
What's with all the backlash? They just announced they're banning anything promoting the US state (ergo CIA) or NATO. Sounds like a W to me.
Jokes aside and at the risk of sounding like an armchair intellectual, this is sort of a small scale experiment proving why liberals make peaceful progress impossible. Dating back to the colonial era, they love writing walls and walls of vague idealist text (especially the part about the psychology of internet users reads like a middle schooler padding out an essay) about the moral virtue of their actions to distract from the fact they are shamelessly plundering, murdering and exploiting others. In this relatively harmless case, exploiting the devs ideological conviction and choice to show vulnerability. Using their resources to take the platform for their own, despite quite ironically being in direct in violation of their own conceptions of intellectual property that are supposed to be so non-negotiable.
Maybe that's why liberals are such firm believers in private property to begin with. Not due to principle, but because they project their shameless opportunism on us all; they fear others will do to them what they have done and continue to do to their vulnerable targets of choice.
Don't forget the apologism for that era in the OP. A kind of liberal version of 'no ethical consumption under capitalism' but with no concept of working towards a system that allows for the possibility of ethical consumption – outside capitalism.
Highlighting that we can't avoid using tech with problematic roots isn't enough if you're going to keep pouring fertiliser on those roots to keep the rotten tree growing.
The phrase is meaningless unless it implies, 'no ethical consumption under capitalism, therefore we must overturn capitalism'.
Highlighting that we can’t avoid using tech with problematic roots isn’t enough if you’re going to keep pouring fertiliser on those roots to keep the rotten tree growing.
I like how liberals will seriously consider refusing free food, if they suspect the anonymous donor has Karl Marx undies. Do they expect to defeat the actual Nazis by politely declining to buy goods made in concentration camps?
Crackpot theory: Beehaw or a conglomerate of lib instances will become owned by an entrepreneur group, then try to pull the good ol' MS EEE on the rest over time. Call it Digg v3.
I created my first account on beehaw, but when i realized that they blocked this instance I created a account. I engaged with someone on that post who was surprised that hate speech was being thrown around here. I said "it's because theyre marxist leninist, go look for yourself" and they were so confused because there was no hate speech to be found. Essentially they were like "um I don't agree with MLs on a lot of things, but they aren't nazis. So what's the issue?" So I'm positive that there are people being turned away who otherwise would want to interact with y'all.
It's pretty fucked that they are equating discourse here to hate speech because of course people aren't going to do their own investigating. They will just assume that yall are planning the next white uprising and flinging the F slur around.
[dismissive masturbatory hand gesture] the actually vaguely progressive people that got conned into going there instead of an actually decent lefty instance are in for a fun surprise in a couple months.
If it wasn't politically motivated then why is Hexbear blocked when it's not even a federated instance yet? You know, the only lemmy in existence that enforces visible pronouns by every single username... Hatespeech? Bullshit.
Do you really expect anything less from a group run by Feds and fed adjacent bootlickers? The feds were probably the first ones to jump at making those instances. It's literally their job to attack communist idealology at every chance.
I guess someone forgot to bring them the memo. I think the Beehaw team is on the other side of the Pentagon. Grab me some extra hot chocolate packs if you decide to confer with them about it, would you?
Honestly, ban 'em all to a man, tear down their instance, and blacklist the creation of names like it, I say. They wanna whinge, whine, mald, and tantrum about the kinds of people who built this motherfucker for them, the people who had this place warm for them when they first turned up and started colonizing, cool.
They clearly don't need the hard drive space they're taking up. Fuck 'em, fuck their feelings, fuck what flimsy 'convictions' they have, fuck their mealy-mouthed mod staff.
Wait, chill. Won't comments like this give them an example of "hate-speech" they can use against this instance? If they lie, it's their problem. Hopefully their users realize it, but if not, we don't need to feed into their narrative and prove their point. This is my opinion, anyway.
Edit: I have already been convinced I was wrong. I'll still leave this comment up, despite the downvotes, so that replies still make sense.
From where I sit, they'll take anything that isn't full-throated subordination as hate speech; so why play their game? I literally do not give the first fuck about what they think. You do raise a fair point; but only in the context of if you're willing to play the game by their conditions. Which I'm not.