Ich habe das Bild zuerst falsch gelesen und dachte du hast erst die NUM Taste gedrückt und dann dem Kollegen stundenlang beim Verzweifeln zugeschaut.
"Es ist nur ein echter Nazigruß wenn es aus der Nazi-Region in Deutschland kommt. Ansonsten ist es ein Gruß nach Nazi-Art" - Landgericht Köln oder so
"In fact" and "I heard" don't go well together in a sentence. Unless you're saying it's a fact that you've heard it of course.
Also, sorry for the pedantry.
Also, just to give a source, 8 US presidents have died during office, which results in a mortality rate of about 18%. That is of course way higher than any other job.
I don't think OP was trying to say Proton Mail is bad or insecure. Rather the opposite.
This. All these systems for how to design a base efficiently (like a well stuctured main bus or city blocks) end up making the base look boring and samey imo.
YouTube TV on steamdeck with more than 720p
I use Youtube on deck in Firefox with youtube.com/tv in kiosk mode. Works really well, but I noticed even when I have a bigger screen connected I can only watch videos in up to 720p. It doesn't let me select anything higher. Is that a YTTV thing or is there a problem in my setup?
Don't really follow any big communities here (except for this one), just smaller ones specific to my personal interests.
Your question is a bit all over the place.
If you're just looking for big amounts of storage, look for refurbished HDDs (4TB, 12TB, something like that).
Hmm okay, I see. I still think it looks weird but at least I get what you're saying now.
I've watched a CATOBAR video to see what you're talking about (interesting stuff btw), but isn't that unrelated? In this image there is no aircraft carrier, the wings are angled 45° upwards, and there are weird orange spots on the hull.
Yes, the compression is bad, but you can't tell me that the plane isn't literally exploding right now. Also the vacuum cleaner looks off, but on second glance maybe it's fine? I'm not sure.
What's up with those weird AI images? That doesn't look like a normal takeoff to me.
Edit: What I saw in the image
Ah yes, true. But it is a whole year, so you'd only need to login once a year.
And what would be a situation where you have to enter a phone number? I only know it's optional for account recovery.
As far as I know they delete the account if you don't log in for a few months.