I'm generally great at traversing my house quietly, unless my fiance or child are asleep, and then I'm a fucking cave beast making as much noise as humanly possible, seemingly.
I hate decibels. Such needless confusion over whether they're an absolute or relative scale, what the reference volume is, what the underlying SI units are. Are these all measured at a uniform distance? Why would you take a shower at the library?
I imagine the measurement is something like "perception of sound to the human ear". A rock concert is generally very loud and whether you're 5 feet back or 30 feet back from the stage won't make a huge difference
A rock concert emanating from a point will sound considerably louder at 5 feet vs 30 feet and will make just as much of a difference as 50 feet vs 300.
Of course, accoustics in a concert hall are designed to minimize this difference. Doesn't explain jet fighters though.
Are you rustling a single leaf, for it to be less than a library?
Or does the library have a windy exterior full of trees with rustling leaves, for it to be at 40?
Yes, the compression is bad, but you can't tell me that the plane isn't literally exploding right now. Also the vacuum cleaner looks off, but on second glance maybe it's fine? I'm not sure.