I'm sorry, I won't be very helpful, I don't watch many videos or debates. I recall an article a few years ago on this Techno Feudalism, but I've forgotten what or where.
My criticisms of him are based on my own understandings of Marx/Engels/Kropotkin/etc. (in particular Das Kapital) and how I perceive his platform in light of that. For example, a UBI would be captured by inflation and rent-seeking without other more meaningful systemic reform. And the basic SocDem platform of capitalism with social safety nets was originally conceived of as a right-wing way to strengthen capitalism and prevent rebellion against the capitalist class. These things reform a system so that it can live to exploit another day. It makes no sense - and appears to be ineffective in practice - to adopt a broadly capitalist platform in order to rail against what are fundamentally capitalist traits.
Also serfs reportedly received more of the profit from their labor than most workers today receive under capitalism. Capitalism failing to provide any semblance of equality or fairness is not a sign of reversion to feudalism - it lacks the particular reciprocal power dynamics that define feudalism, however imbalanced those dynamics were.
That's my two cents, anyway. You're two cents are worth just as much if you get something out of his writing. I come loaded with my own biases and I'm sure they deprive me of recognizing potential value on a daily basis.