I was reminding of my father making me a tour of the prison of Fresnes (near Paris). Showing me things like :
- "yeah, that gate is new, old got a rocket in" (Antonio Ferrara escape)
- "see thoses bullets hole on the tower ? It got shot by an helicopter" (Emile Dieudonné and Fernando Alonso tentative escape)
So yeah...
So if I understand what is shown correctly. I am still manipulating someone else.
So not everything is lost
When I was a kid I had a morbid fascination with the movie Volcano (1997). I watched it a little too many times and I my most common nightmare is visually represented by the picture...
A fissure in the earth at the end of my street and then flowing magma ..
Last time I did that, the plastic part of the connector also came with it and I was left with only the pins...
The bend at the end, I suppose is to put the strip in tension and make it less likely it will slip
We remember Cortana. Hard to not think about it and not expect a similar quality of implementation.
Even today while disabled I continue to open Cortana by mistake... Which won't work since it's disabled...
Can she even sit?
Ironic isn't it?
I don't know about eating it upside down. But when put a hamburger down, I do put it upside down. I feel like they stay better in this position.
When upside, up I find all the parts to often slide apart. When you pick it back
@ada That first warning on which instance this post apply to is greatly appreciated. I wish to see it more often on single instance related posts
@ColdBrewEnema when the turbine are on, yes.
But if they aren't, the plane is only working on a battery and then, which is likely the case when the plane is just sitting idle on the tarmac. Then nope.
You just get to enjoy the airflow from a tiny fan while sitting in a metal can under the sun close to hundred of other people
Yup, I'm unsure how I'm supposed to subscribe to a remote magazine when it doesn't exist on kbin. But it does not exist because nobody subscribed?
ULPT: If you do office work and want to get some time for yourself, head to fakeupdate.net and enter fullscreen to simulate an endless windows update
Then collegues says: "Oh there's a windows update!" and try to do it too but can't find it.