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"Forcing" magazine federation from other instances?

Going straight to the point: I was wondering what is the criteria for kbin to pick federated magazines (number of subscribers maybe?) and if there is a way or workaround to pull/force them into the "All magazines" list.

For example, I am interested in, which would translate into kbin's URL It has been created weeks ago and probably it hasn't been picked because of lack of content. I would like to contribute to it without having to create a feddit account (I'm quite attached to my kbin one).

I'm sure many of us here had/have the same issue - how did you work around it?

EDIT: and now it's there!... Miracles (or @ernest's kind intervention) :)
Anyway I think my point still stands, I guess.

  • It looks like it hadn't been subscribed to by anyone on this kbin. I just subscribed to it for and it now exists here. No content come through yet, but hopefully it will get some soon

    edit - yes, I know it says it belongs to ernest, but that's the way things work when the local copy is created.

    To answer your question directly - I searched in kbin for (or was it ?) - and then hit the subscrivbe button

    • Yes, nobody subscribed to it because as @Armaell says, you can't subscribe to a magazine that hasn't been federated yet.

      I also hope we will see the current content here! (It's in Italian though :D)

      • Yes you can. You have to trigger the federation by entering the url to it into search (the url from the instance its on, not the one it would have) or its exact name in the @name@instan.ce format. That's how off-instance content gets federated. Someone needs to tell your server, it exists, and that they want it.

  • I think certain instances are not being federated with For instance, it doesn't seem like anything from is reachable. Same with

    EDIT: Correction. I think bots from those instances are not visible here. But I am seeing posts from regular user.