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0x2640 Lily [she/her, pup/pup's]

she/her, pup/pup's

trans demisexual bisexual sapphic useless disaster lesbian puppygirl

Posts 6
Comments 45
  • omgosh yessssssss we luv dis song (n artist :3)

  • perulesonality
  • literally us hihi

  • perulesonality

    had the old 196 blocked, might stick around with this one. mods seem much better.

  • its meeeeeeee

  • an unconventional anti-dysphoria trick: blurring your vision
  • do a very similar thing ourselves, super valid

  • the Signs(TM)
  • ur super valib

    awwwruf :3

    ur experience is semi-similar to ours~ perhaps therian would be a good discriptor?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
    is funni me-me acceptable here? 🥺
  • guess we'll list out ours

    1: zzzzzz

    2: used to but depression :3

    3: :c

    4: we use nixos btw

    5: awwwrrrufff!!!

    6: no

    7: :c

    8: no

    9: no

  • Thoughts on reducing estrogen dose to form stockpile?
  • 21G is too large for long term repeated drawing, 23G or smaller should be used. additionally you dont need to use different needles for drawing and injecting (despite popular belief. subq is not better than IM or "more fool-proof", infact subq can be worse for many due to irritation. ideally you would want fixed needle syringes for lowest deadspace, as the vial will last longer.

    it should also be noted vials have a shelf life of 2-4 years, so you arent able to stockpile more than that

  • How's your week been?
  • uhhhmm uhhmm yeahh,,,,,,, has totally been going great,,,, no existential dread or anything :3

  • Trans Voice Help Lily [she/her, pup/pup's]

    Lilith's Voice Training Resource Compendium

    Bunch of random resources people may find useful, will update this post as new resources come along. Mostly from Reddit, any posts have been uploaded as PDFs to read.

    [ A Mixture of Different Resources ]

    • - a website that links to some more resources and talks about other stuff

    • - Sumi's wiki. It's got a bunch of stuff with her own spin. Though you can see roots in other things too. You might find it useful.

    • Selene's clips

    • Some advice on getting started

    • Scinguistics' blog. Their takes are a little bit divergent from the general consensus at times but there is value to be found!

    • Mimicry advice from Jana

    • Some advice on practicing from Kin Maynard

    • The Voice Book for Trans and Non-Binary People

    • Introductory Voice Training Resources Version 2.0

    • trans voice mega guide


    [ Some useful Videos from Trans Voice Lessons ] Channel link. Learn to hear size/resonance better Practice advice An ear training live stream Voice surgery live stream some common myths

    Trans Voice Help Lily [she/her, pup/pup's]

    The Voice Book for Trans and Non-Binary People

    A 261 page book going over voice training. May be helpful to some. Link if you can't access it from the post.


    Reaching Out For Help

    After much consideration and fighting with my brain, I've decided that it's okay to ask for help in hard situations. So, I'm making this in hope that I receive at least a little bit of help. I'm asking for money, friends, and any advice you can give me. Everything counts and will help me during this rather terrible time. I'm Uni (name TBD) and I'm a 16 y/o transgirl unfortunately situated in the USA. You may know me as a regular on the Blahaj Matrix chats going by "Miss Universe".

    So a little bit (a lot?) of backstory to sort of explain my current situation. My egg cracked October last year and it was both the best and worst thing that has happened in my life so far. Being a minor means that I can't really do anything about the fact that my egg cracked, I'm fully relying on the people around me to help me (which has failed). Put simply, as a minor I have absolutely no control over my body or my life, I have no money, no experience, and nowhere to go.

    I came out to my mother and step-father (my parents are divorced) February this year, and while they seemed to be supportive at first they semi-recently turned on me and have been mostly unsupportive since then.

    As for my father and step-mother, they are both actively transphobic republicans. I have no plans on coming out to them until after I turn 18, and it would be unsafe to do so before then.

    Basically, as of now I have basically no support from anybody in my life and I'm completely trapped as my dysphoria gets worse with each passing day.

    With my situation sort of explained(?), why am I actually here? Pretty much I'm here because I need money. Money for clothes, makeup, just stuff that can hopefully help me alleviate some of my dysphoria until I'm able to afford to do so myself (which as a minor is difficult). And also I suppose gas, in case it comes to it and I need to run away, even for a short period. I'm also looking for advice, I don't really know what to do and it would be really nice to have at least some semblance of what I could be doing right now.

    I don't really know if any of that made sense, I'm bad at organizing my thoughts and even worse at asking for help. If you have any questions post them in the comments and I can probably answer them.

    You can support me here on Buy Me a Coffee if you so wish, and/or with advice in the comments. Every donation counts.
