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No support here!

There's been an influx of content surrounding lemmy here. Some of it is open ended:

  • "What kinds of things from reddit would you like to see Lemmy avoid as the user base grows?"
  • "Lemmy, what do you call users of Lemmy?"

And these are a-ok! There's also been a lot of questions like

  • "How do I block a user?"
  • "How do I join a community on a different instance"

These aren't open ended (at least, relatively). They are objective based, and just need a resolution, rather than discussion. These sort of questions are more relevant to !

I know there's also questions like "What are you guys doing when there’s multiple communities for the same thing across instances?". I'm inclined to let those stay, there is lots of opportunity for discussion. It's a game of discretion from a moderation perspective, but I assume most can easily guess what is cold hard support.

At least from me, moderation of support posts has been sporadic at best, despite the long standing rule. I will begin redirecting these questions to !, however I'm of course willing to listen to the community here if that's not what is wanted, as well as other feedback.

edit: support posts will now be removed, not locked


Hey! Who changed the American flag emoji?!

Think this is because I just updated fonts-noto-color-emoji?

Well, in any event, this is an outrage I shall not stand for! 😉

EDIT: Well, this is what happens when you aim for Vietnamization, I guess. 🤷

EDIT EDIT: Using the menu editor on Linux Mint Cinnamon, you can usually edit the comments for an app by clicking on its preferences, and ironically I was doing that to mark the apps that are US-based with the flag as a reminder to find alternatives to them!


What's your view on people who don't adopt?

I do not immediately judge those who are unlike me, but I am a part of the childfree crowd (and to an enormous extent promote adoption over childbirth, which is in no way atypical among childfree people), and the topic of being childfree showed up in the most unexpected conversation today.

So... I'm not going to go into specifics since many of them are already overblown topics, but I'll start off by summarizing and saying a lot of people hold a "neutral people are as guilty as the wrongdoers" viewpoint. A kind of Edmund Burke or Anakin Skywalker way of thinking that has been used when it comes to neutrality in promoting world leaders, not helping human lives, etc. I saw two people debate about this, and one of them brought up the question "how do you feel about people who don't adopt?"

"I don't judge them, it's not even that common. Why do you ask?"

"Visualize a bunch of children. Some are on the streets and some are in foster care centers. They suffer and suffer, and they look out onto the streets to see parents who willingly chose to go through the pain of childbirth to use their bodies to spend and convert a bunch of inanimate atoms into an entity that will be using more of our air and needs to eat [rather than going the painless route of adopting a child that is already in existence and needs a home]. Then they look at other people who don't want to give birth and have birth children but still look in indifference at all the suffering parentless children. Around half of adults on Earth are currently childless, and yet around a fifth of children are in broken homes or are parentless. It is the closest thing to willfully being evil that the majority of humans come to. I'm sure most of the people obsessing over insurance for example are going to opt for no children or for birth children."

That last part resonated with me. I'm testing this out because I'm interested in this as a mental exercise. What's your view on people who don't adopt, including yourself if you can justify it?


what languages have lemmy instances?

there was a recent one i saw in Icelandic and another in japanese that i didn’t see on the lemmy join page.


What's your (ONE) favorite fictional character ever? (and why?)

By "favorite fictional character" I don't mean "favorite character of your favorite fiction", consider the media itself to be irrelevant.

Just consider the character itself and how it changes throughout whichever segments of its timeline, regardless of how the world moves around it (unless it's relevant); the show / book / comic / game / political campaign itself may be absolute trash, but you love some character from that more than any other character from anything at all.

Like Magnifico from Wish, or the driver from Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.


What if there was a health tracking device that you swallow?

cross-posted from:

> What if there was a health tracking device that you swallow? > > Smart watches and fitness bands can be cumbersome and unstylish. Instead of wearing one of these devices, why not put them in an ingestible package? From inside of you, it could probably track more health metrics than from a wrist worn platform. When it gets to the end of your digestive track, you would just take a seat on a toilet equipped with an automatic cleaning and recovery module. Or, all of the devices could be collected for refurbishment at the water treatment plant. > > \#CompanyTime > >


What is something you don't (or didn't) know the name of?

"Everything has a name", if something is made, used, discovered or imagined, there is probably at least one name for it.

The cap at the top of a flagpole ('truck'). A single primary vein down the middle of typical leaves ('midrib'). The coating sheath at the end of shoelaces ('aglet'). The creases across the inside of your wrist ('rasceta'). The protective enclosure of a radar, including the nose cone of most airliner planes ('radome'). The square hole in the top of an anvil ('hardy hole'). The iconic football/soccer ball design, that is, the truncated icosahedron with pentagonal black and hexagonal white panels (Adidas's 'Telstar' design). All those different types of cave mineral deposits like stalactites, flowstone, frostwork and moonmilk ('speleothem').

(Any language is fine)


Best Lemmy Server to make a Religion-based Community?

I have been attempting to help Reddit Subreddits migrate over to Lemmy, and so far, it has been pretty good.

But one of the of the Subreddits is Religion Based and when I went to JoinLemmy, and clicked on "Join a Server", there is no Religion option.

There is a Religion tab, and you can choose what language, but, after that, it just shows that there are no Religion based Servers, regardless of the language that is chosen.

EDIT: OpenChristian is now up.


What all are there that you know of?

  • fuzzy peaches
  • sour watermelons
  • tangy strawberries
  • sour cherry blasters
  • ...

people who know more than one language, are your settings in english or another language?

i know of, for example, russian-americans who have their google in russian

my lemmy is in spanish and my search engine, portuguese

! !


Keep seeing incestuous posts on lemmy by day old accounts with no post history

Each of these posts have been accompanied by an image, a romantic fruit bowl bought by the guardian as a Valentine's gift. A bed in a new flat with one double bed to be share with the father, and a few others that followed the same pattern but I have forgotten the post. These posts also seem to delete.

Any ideas the hell is going on with this?




Do you consider the right to be forgotten a human right? Why or why not?

I was watching a Joe Scott video about the Somerton Man, and at one point he mentions it's believed he just wanted to be forgotten.

I've met a lot of people who are like this. They feel too dysphoric about their life and are eager to see the day when their families all pass away or have memory loss so that the worst parts of their life aren't in other peoples' heads anymore. It's sad.

There are a lot of things we consider rights by default. There's a right to a burial. There's a right to a last meal. There's a right to a will. Some of these have people who philosophize about them but most are taken for granted.

Do you think there's a right to be forgotten? How much do you validate it? What's your reasoning?


How can I Legally Mess with ICE?

I'm a farmer in San Diego County. In fallbrook/ temecula, there's a truck weigh station that's full of ICE operatives near me. Today, they blocked off the entrance to the only road that leads to a bunch of farms, including mine. I personally have a family farm, but I know my neighbors and their employees, and they're hard-working everyday people regardless of their immigration status.

To make a long story short, how do I legally fuck with ICE while they do a raid?

Edit: the only thing I can think of is recording and doing a verbal protest. I could try to share the footage with the local news. Given the current political climate, I'm not sure if they'd care. I don't want to see the people I've existed next to dissappear.

It's here:

If you know someone who works at Moon Farm Nurseries, fucking tell them RIGHT NOW to lay low. They're compromised.

Edit 2: they took everyone. The fields up and down our road are empty. I couldn't even get a picture because I had to drive past like nothing was happening. Fuck.

Edit 3: a couple of truckers pulled up with double wides and blocked the road. I can't tell whoes side their on. Whish me luck.

Edit 4: I think mite have made a checkpoint for me. I think I'll be fine, but I'm not sure. Live update.

Edit 5: I'm fine, one of the people in the double wide got taken too. Fuck this day. I hope everyone is doing okay.


What's the name of this font?

I've tried all the "font detectors" online and none of them gave me the name of the actual font. They all looked kinda the same but they're not the same font. Could someone please identify it and let me know? Thank you in advance. EDIT: Here is the site where I found it. Please ignore the content. It's a long story


Go to wikihow and press on "random article". That is what you die doing. How do you die? Direct link to the random button:


What's your most cruel prank so far?

What's your most cruel prank so far?

Hi. Have you ever woken up just feeling malicious, with a mood of "Man, I just wish to ruin someone's day for shits and giggles"? And what do you do in those situations?

I wonder, what's the best, meanest, cruelest prank you pulled on your friends or foes so far.



Has anyone ever done a Speculative Evolution book or work on Carcinisation?

About Carcinisation

About Speculative Evolution

Just imagine... Crablike humans, crablike dogs, crablike birds!


What are things that you think would be useful for others if they also knew it too?

Decent sleep, diet, exercise etc. would be the basics, so mentioning them first, so that specific info on it would be discussed. Like any specific exercise that you think would be useful for most people etc, that's not really popular or so?

On exercise, I think light neck exercises and stretches are cool. Do be careful.

Tech stuff:

  1. Generally, Firefox with uBo is awesome on all devices. Some of the extra filters make it more cool.
  2. RSS feeds are awesome. RSS-Bridge helps to get feeds for websites that don't offer one. Lemmy supports RSS feeds
Google news feeds can be obtained as RSS feeds by adding /rss: Also other operators like when:24h can be used


  1. Pipepipe and Newpipe have options to use WebM format. It saves data and space. Quite cool.
  2. Skipsilence(Fast forward during silence) option - Pipepipe and Newpipe have it. AntennaPod(for podcasts) MPV script with a similar feature:
  3. Activity Manager - A foss app that allows to create launchable activities. Can be useful to access and create shortcuts to Android/data folder.
  4. Aard2 is a cool foss Android dictionary app
  5. Markor is a foss Android app for text document and markdown
  6. Seal on Android helps to download yt playlists and since it uses yt-dlp, it can be used on many other websites too. Have used it to listen to Dessalines' audiobooks when I'm offline. They're cool.
  7. Sayboard - foss voice to text keyboard
  8. OCR - foss OCR app using Tesseract (Thanks for the recommendation/reminder by jk43)


  1. In laptops, touchpad gestures are quite cool
  2. Pdf Arranger is quite good for combining or separating pdfs.
  3. In Word or other document editors, there maybe a option to display non-printing characters. Useful to see if too many spaces or tabs are the reason for some formatting issue.
  4. For slides, using notes and narrator view is nice. SlideMaster settings too. I've only used Powerpoint for it, but Libreoffice likely has similar stuff.

Have heard about jxl being useful for reducing image file sizes. Haven't used it much as there is no widespread support. But if you store a lot of jpg images and want to save space, it maybe nice.


  1. Recently have seen a video about the 5 why root cause analysis, which talked about a logic tree to find root causes and that was nice. Obvious, but nice to hear about.
  2. Libretext and Openstax are quite cool for open textbooks on things.

Please do share some things that you find useful. Any exercises, resources, websites, file formats, apps, techniques etc. that you find useful and think that most/more people would find use with?

Thanks in advance.


What are some examples of 'common sense' which are nonsense?

Wikipedia defines common sense as "knowledge, judgement, and taste which is more or less universal and which is held more or less without reflection or argument"

Try to avoid using this topic to express niche or unpopular opinions (they're a dime a dozen) but instead consider provable intuitive facts.


Thoughts on Ty Cobb?

I used to believe he was an aggressive racist man who tried to keep black players out of the league as violently as possible, giving rise to media like Soundgarden's Ty Cobb

But I'm now reading through his Wikipedia article, and I can't quite work him out.


He's definitely aggressive, and has a "hard-headed fuck-you-all" attitude to life. It looks like the racist allegations against him might have just been slander caused by another player (Schmidt).

There's one altercation he has with a cement worker whose work he ruined by stepping in it, and then escalated into something more.... but as far as I can see that's it.

He just seems like a good player who's a bit heavy handed and loud mouthed, and fights anyone who he perceives does him wrong, regardless of background or skin color.

There's one story that made me giggle a bit:

> Cobb climbed into the stands and attacked Lucker, who it turned out was handicapped (he had lost all of one hand and three fingers on his other hand in an industrial accident). > > Some onlookers shouted at him to stop because the man had no hands, to which Cobb reportedly retorted, "I don't care if he got no feet!" > > According to Russo, the crowd cheered Cobb on in the fight. > Though extremely rare in the 21st century, attacking fans was not so unusual an activity in the early years of baseball.

What are the best enhancement tools for Lemmy?
  • Violentmonkey + Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Best way to avoid accidentally leaving your home instance.

    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher, or LULs for short, scans all links on all websites, and if any link points to a Lemmy instance that is not your main/home instance, it rewrites the link so that it instead points to your main instance.

  • Is it possible to post to your own profile?
  • No. This is actually a Reddit feature1000001332See the first entry for where to post. And yes, this is a throwaway account.

  • Ex-believers, what made you quit your religion/cult?
  • In Arabic عبادة (worship) and إبادة (extermination) sound nothing alike and are obviously spelled differently, the past tense (root form) of each is very different عبد vs باد. However transliterated into English and many other languages they end up being the same: ibadah. Other words that are sometimes confused by non-Arabic speakers include مكة (Makkah) and المقة (Almaqah) which sound nothing alike in Arabic but has been a source of conspiracies among non-Arabic speakers who think that they are etymologically related.

  • What is the end game?
  • Orange juice

  • Is it possible to post to your own profile?
  • Or, you can make a mastodon account and do it that way.

    I had one, but I lost the phrase for 2FA. It is still up tho.