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AuroraGlamour Aurora

On this account, I can see more posts I couldn’t see before.

anime nerd


Learning JP, ZH


Alt for anime/random: !

Posts 21
Comments 69

At what point in the relationship should I move in with my girlfriend?

I’ve been considering it for a while. She was my neighbor, long-time good friend, and I’ve been into her for a while. We started going on dates and becoming official not too long ago, and I was thinking of moving in with her.

All our families completely support the idea and so does my GF.

I saw someone made an International community but couldn’t find it on my instance, so I made a one
  • Ooohh, I didn’t know there was a one already! There’s also

  • I saw someone made an International community but couldn’t find it on my instance, so I made a one


    You can talk about almost anything in any language, primarily those that aren’t English. :)

    You may use this as an alternative instance, although the owner of the one on appointed me as a mod.


    I’m planning to teach middle school Spanish, would casually mentioning having a girlfriend cause an uproar?

    All the time in middle school and high school, I’ve heard, for example, “My girlfriend doesn’t like that I do X” or “My wife and I did X this weekend”, and since the teacher is a man, it’s seen as acceptable.

    Would casually mentioning having a girlfriend cause angry emails from parents, even if I’m not discussing forms of romantic attraction in schools? These kids are like 11-14 anyway, parents’ job to teach orientation (which I’ve heard argued) or not.

    Also, we learn relationship descriptions in middle school Spanish if you choose to take it, which includes words like novio, novia, esposo, and esposa. (Shouldn’t matter, especially if the school I teach in is at a non-Conservative community)

    would dating my ex friend be worth it, do you think he could love me and would calm down if i said yes or am i just thinking this out of sadness?
  • OP, you're still barely an adult, but using people to get over a breakup is not ok under any circumstances. I get you're sad, but you're in no place to date anyone right now

  • would dating my ex friend be worth it, do you think he could love me and would calm down if i said yes or am i just thinking this out of sadness?
  • I'd argue the man is worse. Not saying it's right, but OP is around 18 and I only see that she wanted to date him out of loneliness. What other red flags do you see that I didn't catch?

  • Were you among the oldest or the youngest in school? (Or the middle).
  • Ugh for sure. I was 19 and a lot of cute guys were 17. Some argue that's acceptable, some not.

  • Were you among the oldest or the youngest in school? (Or the middle).

    My sister was born in September 2010. She’s going to be in high school this autumn and one of the first freshmen to turn 15 during the school year.

    I was 15 years old when I started freshman year and 16 by the end of the year, so I graduated high school at nineteen. (College grad since age 23 last year).


    Can I still consider myself a “young woman” after I turn 24? I turn 24 in March (next month).

    Born in 01. I’m excited to be 24 and have a celebration with my girlfriend and family, but I feel OLD.

    What is the cutoff? When do you stop being a young woman?

    (I was going to say I wish I was still around 10 years younger when I realized that people born in 2011 are going to be/are 14 and not 5.)

    Other edit: It’s been almost 8 years since my Sweet 16. Holy crap. My sister was 6.


    How likely is a strawberry daiquiri to get me drunk? I’ve only had alcohol once and that was one beer.

    As someone who’s never drunk a full thing of it besides a beer once at around 18(?), I can say I have never gotten drunk before. I’ve also had some sips but definitely not drunk.

    I want to try actually having some alcohol besides that beer since I’m drinking age in the United States (I’m 23). I decided I would order a daiquiri for dinner with my girlfriend.

    (If this helps, I’m 135 pounds, 5’6, and female.)

    (Meta) What's up with the recent influx of posts here and on nostupidquestions asking borderline insane questions as if written by people who have never encountered another human before?
  • Well, she herself says she has no empathy for others and “treats them like objects”. I said mentally ill because she seems to have mood dysregulation problems, no one is ever good enough for her, and she seemed to openly have a breakdown when she posted to her one friend about hating that she was autistic or something. (The post has since been deleted).

  • Why would it say I can’t message a certain TikTok user at this time?

    For anyone who uses or used TikTok, I can view their profile and posts but it says I can’t message them “at this time. Report if there was a mistake.”

    (Meta) What's up with the recent influx of posts here and on nostupidquestions asking borderline insane questions as if written by people who have never encountered another human before?
  • What’s crytyping, I’ve never heard that word before 😅

    I would sure hate to be that person, assuming it’s not an alt or someone who’s in on the bait (like their sibling pretending to be the other person)

  • (Meta) What's up with the recent influx of posts here and on nostupidquestions asking borderline insane questions as if written by people who have never encountered another human before?
  • I know 🫂 It’s horrible. You should also read their other posts.

    Either this is a bot/troll or she is mentally ill with no empathy.

  • Lemmy Support Aurora

    If I go to a certain user’s profile, it says this (Banned) does this mean they are banned from my instance or can it say this if they are banned from a community too?



    Is there an active community where you can discuss/ask political questions?

    I see several for political news but IDK if there’s one for discussing/asking about them.


    DAE know more terms in one language than the other?

    Native speaker of English & Spanish. Born in the US, technically, but we moved because of some job my dad had, I think.

    He decided to stay in South America, and when I learned about certain things via friends, school, and the Internet, they happened to be in Spanish.

    My parents, who I spoke English and Spanish with, didn’t really teach me certain adult stuff, so I learned through literature and school assignments (but also TV).

    (So sexual topics and topics related to drugs I learned in Spanish)


    Congrats Like I’m Five: !

    publicado de forma cruzada desde:

    > A community for people to congratulate your accomplishments, major or minor.


    Congrats Like I’m Five: !

    A community for people to congratulate your accomplishments, major or minor.



    (Not sure if you guys can answer this) Guy at my sister’s school keeps meowing? Is this just teenage behavior?

    This guy at school who my sister knows keeps meowing. My sister also has him added on social media, where he sends random videos of farting, burping, or him saying stuff in a weird voice to all his contacts of people his age?

    Is this just typical teenage boy behavior? I didn’t talk to many boys at that age, nor were they American/English-speaking boys so I don’t know.


    Meaning/implication of “you don’t have to do this” in this context?

    I’m a bit confused, mainly because I’ve never been told this before. I once was trying to talk to someone I met, and asked them questions about themselves to get to know them.

    After a while, they just said, “You don’t have to do this, you know. I’m fine with being silent.”

    How would you respond to this? I don’t really know the implications or anything.


    What does an English nose look like?

    I was told quite recently that I had an English nose. What does this imply?


    Is there a community for LGBT discussion?

    It seems that the LGBT ones we got are for news and I don’t want to post random stuff about for example, my boyfriend, on a news community.


    What do I do for my sister/her friend?

    My 14-year-old sister Lena has made a friend who is constantly picking on Lena for the slightest things, calling her weird, screaming at her in social situations and in athletics, saying she is useless, etc. [my sister has mobility issues and asthma as well]

    Fortunately, Lena told me that she and another friend of hers stopped hanging out with the friend but the teachers still want her paired up with this girl? (No one else will hang out with Lena’s friend because her friend group is preppy and very cliquey)

    The friend is also doing the classic “You can’t be friends with those girls and leave me, they don’t like you/understand you like I do. I’m the only one who will accept you.”

    Yeah, I don’t really know how to help as I don’t go to her school and I’m obviously several years older than her


    Does anyone else feel like they are “lagging behind” on Anglophone pop culture?

    I’m still fairly young and hear many women my age making certain references, using slang, or memes related to the U.S. and American culture.

    Sometimes, I don’t understand the references though, as I do speak English but grew up where people did not.

    My parents grew up in the US and speak English but of course, only really know the pop culture of their day.

    Does anyone else (especially people who grew up somewhere else) not understand Anglophone slang or pop culture?


    If I’m mostly attracted to men, is it «wrong» to consider myself pan?

    I don’t mean morally wrong, I know that sexuality is a spectrum, that everyone is different, and I shouldn’t let anyone tell me how to describe myself, I mean wrong terminology.

    Like how a man who’s attracted to other men wouldn’t call himself straight for example.

    I’m certainly not straight, even if there’s one woman I’ve ever liked and the rest were men, I still liked a girl.

    I would definitely date regardless of gender but only one women has really been attractive to me. Although I’d date and love regardless, other genders don’t really give me the spark men do.

    If I dated a man who transitioned to nonbinary or transfem, I would still love them regardless and wouldn’t lose my interest in him.

    I consider myself attracted to women maybe ~5% of the time, 95% other genders (most of the 95% is male but IDK the exact percentage on that part)

    Would omni/bi be a better description?
