Yup. Late post to this, but went shopping with our kids the other day and our daughter picked out several of the high waisted jeans that are popular now. I just chuckled looking at them and pointed out to my wife that she used to wear the exact same thing in high school - late 80s.
And there are people that make more money in a year than you'll make in your life, whose "job" it is to decide to raise that seam a half inch up from last year for fashion, to acolades and red carpet galas praising their unparalleled genius for doing it.
Then the ones that actually make the jeans that people actually wear make less in their lives than we make in a year.
Humans are soooo weird, cruel, and cruel in genuinely weird ways.
They didn't "decide it". If you get fat as many nowadays do, you'll just spill over your jeans. The only way to avoid that is by raising them up high. This is one disingenuous picture because of that.
I'd we were suddenly as soon as we were in 2011, we would wear the clothes the way we did in
This is the correct answer. It's sinosoidal and the frequency has to stay low enough that the time between peaks and troughs will necessitate that people continuously buy jeans and can't reuse the ones from the prior peak or trough.
Yeah you can tell that this is a place full of coders. People talking about trends from the 80s being current and 90s arriving, when 00s has been back for a while already.
I was thrilled to pull my overly baggy skater clothes out again (then decide they definitely look bad and put them back).
Haha I feel you. My theory is that once the trends and styles of your own youth reappear/are recycled by the younger generations, you are usually out of the game. That's when you stop going with the trends. Because you cant 'ironically' wear the clothes you wore seriously 20 years ago, again. I can't, at least..
So 2 datapoints = the trend forever? I mean today I parked my car one space to the left of where I parked it yesterday. So I guess in a month it will be in the middle of the street.
I noticed 90s high top jeans are back in fashion lately, lots of 20 year olds walking around looking like my mum haha, but eventually they'll lower again, and then go up, down, up, etc, it's just a cycle is all.
Yup. Lots of 90s fashion is in right now. My daughter is wearing flannel shirts. I told her I could have loaned her some of mine but I got rid of them all about 20 years ago.
I don't disagree, but the high-waisted era works a lot better for girls with more curve to their figures, which I see as a net gain.
And considering the number of overweight/obese people continues to grow apace, it's not a bad thing for them to be able to feel good about themselves and have fashion options that flatter their figures instead of all fashion being catered to near-impossible body types.
This should not be read as an endorsement of obesity, which can be a dangerous medical issue, but rather a willingness to see that everyone deserves to feel positive about their self image. Weight gain is a difficult issue to tackle in a country that subsidizes corn syrup and puts it in damn everything, on top of a broken education system that certainly doesn't teach people healthy eating.
Every man, woman and other deserves the chance to feel comfortable and beautiful. Just because I like and prefer something, doesn't mean everyone or even my wife has to... I'm not Kanye West 😂
On one hand, low rise jeans were a result of the beauty ideal at the time being "heroin chic," which was undoubtedly harmful and caused many to develop eating disorders.
On the other hand, high waisted jeans are a result of the beauty ideal now being Kim Kardashian, which is still harmful (ask all the women out there with botched Brazilian butt lifts), not the least because the Kardashians lie about their bodies being natural so they can shill useless products.
Although having a small waist is still ideal, I'm glad the window has shifted back from the time when celebrities were slammed in every magazine as fat for looking like this.
Hmm, I think the key lies in your username. Replace corn syrup with hot sauce. You can still subsidize farmers, just have them growing Carolina Reapers instead of field corn.
Obesity itself is poorly defined and the understanding of it has been determined by diet culture fads that affect the directions nutritional science goes, in a co-production feedback loop. Medicalizing adiposity is fraught with socioeconomic issues. Best to let people live and wear what they like.
High waisted jeans are some of the most hideously unflattering clothing I've ever fucking seen. It's an instant cringe whenever I see some poor soul wearing them. I get everyone wants to follow fashion, but some fashion is just straight up ugly whether it's in or out.
That's almost word for word what I was thinking about low-rise jeans when they started replacing high waisted jeans. And now when high waisted jeans came back I think they look so weird.
...says an overweight man in cargo pants. You miss the teenage days when you weren't fat and ugly, and young girls in low waist pants would give you some attention. You miss those times, don't you.
Nah, this is objectively incorrect. We all know 2021 was the start of paying more for less. 2021 fashion was crop top, crop jeans, crop everything, even our crisp packets had less crisps in it. Over it all, you wore a jacket that used to be your Dad's blazer that he used to wear for work (the super boxy one).
I think the high waisted stuff became fashionable as part of the marketing blitz to celebrate obesity. Shame, because healthy (thin) bodies in low rise jeans look fantastic.
I miss low rise jeans, but I'd be a tray of muffin tops these days. That being said, when I was in my teens and early 20s they may have fit me perfectly around the front with my flat stomach and narrow hips but my big kaboose (that was not in fashion back then) really struggled to stay in! Avoiding plumber's crack was a daily struggle. They were made for a very specific body type.