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  • kidcalhoon2 just skated to school for the first time, we were late, and i couldn't get Huey Lewis and the News out of my head the whole time..haha. just needed a car to skitch on

    • Oh sweet you got a board.

      • Yeah. MrsCalhoon actually grabbed one, just a basic cruzer as there was a lot of asking and whinging whilst at the shops.. Just from Kmart to start, but decent size wheels so a sympathetic board. Kidcalhoon2 loves it.

  • I've been learning a lot about investing and making a few small investments in shares and funds over the last couple of years, and can definitely say that buying shares in individual companies is not my forte. For the most part the shares I bought have been steadily declining in value, against the trend of the market. Apparently if the shares drop enough the company can arrange to buy back the shares from small stockholders whose parcel of shares has become worth so little they don't meet the minimum trading amount to be able to sell them through brokers. Who knew?

    I have had one success - Estia Health is being taken over, which means the shares I bought for them have seen a 43% increase in just over 12 months. Unfortunately I only bought $200 worth, and the profit from them is still nowhere near enough to make up for the losses on the others, but definitely better than nothing. I am definitely sticking with the index funds in future, I really don't have the interest or knowledge for individual companies. And the clear winner is my Super fund - I got around 13% last year, plus many tax benefits.

    • I did some penny stocks the other year and it was wild. I don’t understand it enough, but they basically became worthless and somehow got folded back into the company. 😂

  • It was a rest day for me on the exercise front, but not at work! Peeled 40kg of potatoes and then cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more! Gave the floor a really good going over with the deck scrubber and got into those annoying corners and crannies, moving prep benches and scrubbing where the legs usually go. Moving supplies and stuff and cleaning underneath. Cleaning underneath chest freezers and moving stuff around. Scrubbed out the whole sink area and underneath the dishwasher, which is in an awkward corner and is a bastard. Flour, pasta, various sauces and egg is a shitty combination to clean off anything, let alone a tiled floor. The floor, especially the grout, has been scrubbed so much and worn down in places over time which means it collects more crap. I love my cleaning times at work though, it's really satisfying! Now I'm tired, which is also satisfying. We had Fatarse Friday and now I'm blobbing out in bed.

  • I've taken today as well as part of yesterday off, but having spent most of today out of the house, I've totally lost my momentum and left a shit tonne of chores till tonight - as well as a plethora of packing after a month of sprawling out around here - I gotta be out by 9am tomorrow for an appointment.

    It's feeling overwhelming but I'm using the washing machine and dishwasher running time to give myself a breather or time other tasks.

    Driving on the Western was yet another shitshow today (even counter peak). Honestly there's a special brand of insanity out there. I think what took the cake today was seeing a white SUV with a custom plate doing at least 130km/h (actual), undertaking both lanes on the left by using the MERGE LANE that was just ending from an on ramp

    • sleep is over rated 😬

      • Ugh tell me about it and me still paying dearly for 3 almost-all nighters in the span of one week. I'll get to have a massive sleep in on Saturday evening though.

  • I'm sorry to put a dampener on everyones friday night, but I'm not coping right now. I feel like my life isn't getting better I feel like the last few years I've been in this near constant state of fight or flight. I just wish my life would finally settle down. the last few years every time I think it has, something happens to cause chaos again. I'm just exhausted and stressed out and I don't want to be here any more.

    • I’m sorry you’re feeling that. I feel much the same at times.

      If you need let it out and talk to us as it sometimes can relieve some of the pressure.

      Just take the small pleasures in life as it comes and I hope that things will start to improve for you soon.

      You’re not alone.

    • The world is exhausting and hard, BUT, we can do hard things. It’s ok to be be exhausted and ok to rest. It’s ok to be mad at things. One thing at a time, even if it’s tiny, can change things. Talk to a health care worker if you can, see where things go. Sending warmth from a stranger.

    • Hugs. Take a rest. Sleep more. Stop watching tv news or social media news, shut down unnecessary sources of drama. Control your mood by watching light hearted shows. This won't change your situation but might help you feel more able to cope with life.

      if you can, see your gp and have a chat

      and hugs ,

    • Life has been hectic and difficult recently. You're stronger than you think by being here.

      No shame in venting your feelings, but things will get better.

      When? Who the fuck knows.

      But they will. Make sure you're around for the good bits and the bad shit will seem like a distant dream.

      Look for the bright lights amongst the darkness

    • It will pass, in time. I am sorry you are going through dark times, and it feels never ending. It will end, it will be okay.

      You are a human being, you are worth so much to this world. You mean everything to us here. Allow yourself to feel your emotions, but make no decision until after you have eaten and slept. Rest, self-care as much as you can, we love you. I love you. It will be alright. 💜💜

    • Hey, it’s not a dampener. Are you currently talking to anyone about your feelings, be it friends/family or professional? It’s hard to do things alone. If it’s hard for you to reach out right now, I’d recommend trying your best to build a routine around your health. It’s not a perfect solution or formula, but when things felt really out of control, I burned through a bunch of podcasts on neuroscience and anxiety and some books (which I didn’t always complete). I found that the sleep hygiene approach like trying to go to bed at the same time (I was trying to go to bed earlier to wind down), reducing screen time, cold water on my face in the mornings, self-care routine at least once a week etc were slowly having a positive effect. I haven’t got the names to credit all the things I’ve read/heard, but even the 30 mins off screens and setting your mind before bed can make a difference.

      When we’re low we often forget a lot of things that bring us joy and contentment. Try to remember the little things if you can.

      And please remember, no one here minds. Reach out here when you need.

  • 10 minutes after opening and the top floor of China Red is full. Not sure about downstairs. Amazing. I ordered a raspberry lemonade from the touch screen when I sat down and the lady delivered it literally within 30 seconds. I love this place.

  • Springers for dins then sneaky chips.

    No airfryer, pure unadulterated oil like the creator(s) intended.

  • I'm incandescent, bioluminescent,
    \ Seeping into your thoughts and dreams
    \ And out of the holes between the seams.
    \ I'll occupy your mind, a light in the dark,
    \ Solace you'll find, I'll be your spark.
    \ Memories reminiscing, how fitting,
    \ I'll warm myself by the fires in your heart,
    \ If you let me in we'll never grow apart,
    \ Give me the word, and I'll make a start.
    \ Stoking the fires of your heart,
    \ I'm transluscent, luminescent,
    \ Your consent is a requirement,
    \ Oh let me be your firmament
    \ I'll fill your nightskies with my stars,
    \ I'll be your Venus if you'll be my Mars.

  • I've been sorting out my shopping bag collection so I can take the excess up to the food cupboard. They have really gotten out of control, it's going to take multiple trips to take them. In future I definitely need to get rid of extras straight away instead of stashing them to sort "later".

    • My shopping bag cupboard is overstuffed to the point that if I open it some will fall out. I have been remembering to grab some when I go to the shops lately but I should really do a cleanout. I probably have a bunch of plastic bags in there from before they got rid of them.

    • You know you've got too many when they're all in the boot of your car and there's no room for the shopping. 🤷‍♀️

    • Salvos & Vinnies etc. will accept them if you have an overflow.

      • Yes, they do - I have given some to the Salvos before. The food cupboard has been having problems with people taking the boxes that are supposed to stay in the cupboard to carry their things, so I'm hoping having some bags there will help with that.

  • Thank god the work week is over.

    Been a rough week with everything and being cash strapped. Decided to hold back on cheapie sort drinks and junk food this time.

    Treated myself to a couple of cheap tons of sardines just to get a feel for what they’re like. I think. I’ll be combing them into pasta or on bread.

    They were basic 90cent tins from woolworths.

    If they’re good I’ll get more in the future but herring has definitely changed how I think about them and I may need to stock up on them since I love them way better than tuna.

    • A tin of sardines over some plain white rice is delish! Or through pasta. If you don't enjoy the 90c tin, don't give up, and try some that are in olive oil. The better brands go on special regularly. Happy friday and cheers (tin of fish to tin of fish) to you ❤️
      \ Edit: I've tried a few of the Aldi herring now, perfect to mix through pasta! I also tried their smoked rainbow trout (a bit exxy at $5 a tin) also a delish treat!

      • I actually bought one in oil and one in tomato sauce.

        I’ll be trying them out in a few days time and I’ll let you know how they go. I’ve never had sardines before so the texture and taste is a mystery to me at the moment.

        Good to hear you tried the Aldi herring ones. I actually enjoyed the curry one a lot so I’ll be getting a few more of those in the future.

        I’m sort curious about the salmon ones but I’ll hold off on those for the moment.

        Cheer to you too 🐟 🍹 🐟

    • Honestly the only tuna I bother with is Sirena but they're usually the most expensive one even on special.

      Do you use the half price app? That's saved me heaps from timing treat purchases based on 50% sales at colesworth. Helps to afford the better stuff without the full price tag. You also get a sense of how often some things go on special and aren't worth ever buying at full price

      • What is this half price app of which you speak? I'm genuinely interested and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.. or app, as the case may be.

      • Ah no. I haven’t used the half price app before.

        I just downloaded one but I’m not sure if it’s the same one you’re using.

        I’m usually looking online catalogues and stuff for half price but if there’s a good app for it it’ll save me heaps of time.

  • Pizza for dinner tonight cos I'm worth it. Plain Jane's put their prices for 2 mediums on special up to $25. Will be in the poorhouse soon at this rate. Fortunately their on special range includes marinara with extra garlic and capricciosa with anchovies.

  • I just listed something free on Marketplace I wasn't sure anyone would be interested in. 15 replies in 5 minutes. I guess there's interest🤣

  • Night time cold and flu meds have been taken, time to sleep like I've taken a frypan to the head in a slapstick comedy.

  • Man, Friday.... Weight has lifted, MrsCalhoon is feeling better, kidcalhoon1 got through the week with all her medical appointments, and kidcalhoon2 said it was awesome skating to school pa can we do it everyday?....

    I know I promoted this guy over at the other place, but for you new acquaintances....

    Have a listen to this guy Leif incredible musician, with a not-unique-but-very-fresh style

  • this coffee is just right, nice and hot too :) after this I'll reheat some pizza from last night

  • I bought a slab of silverside as it was on special, and I truly cannot be fucked boiling it. So I am roasting it. Scored, oiled, and salted, with some quartered/sixthed potates and onions. Tomatoes will go in a little bit later.

    Set and forget, baby!

  • No plans this weekend. I want to do something, but I also can't be bothered.

    I don't mind if this roast silverside crumbles, I'll still eat it. Photos will be taken (if I remember).

  • I'm feeling uninspired about dinner tonight. I've got some chicken curry, I might do that. A bit of rice, perhaps some radish raita, a bit of the zucchini pickle I made recently, and a potato & green leaf curry side dish. Hmm, I guess I found that inspiration after all.

  • I love the smell of an early Spring, but fuck me is it setting off my hayfever.

    Fuck you Nose. You have betrayed me for the last time.

    • Oooooh the hayfever! That's a thing I don't miss about Melbourne. I never had hayfever before moving to Melbourne. And about 24 hours after moving to Perth, I noticed I was breathing just fine without Clarytine and nasal spray. I get minor hayfever here now, but nothing like what I had in Melbourne.

      I was hit pretty bad (prescribed Ventalin, even) by the Pollenpocalypse that killed 8 people only a month before I left Melbourne. It was so bad that I physically couldn't mow my own lawn, I needed to pay someone.

      If hayfever gets too bad, have a holiday out of Victoria. You don't have to come all the way to Perth, Queensland will probably give you relief.