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  • Thank god the work week is over.

    Been a rough week with everything and being cash strapped. Decided to hold back on cheapie sort drinks and junk food this time.

    Treated myself to a couple of cheap tons of sardines just to get a feel for what they’re like. I think. I’ll be combing them into pasta or on bread.

    They were basic 90cent tins from woolworths.

    If they’re good I’ll get more in the future but herring has definitely changed how I think about them and I may need to stock up on them since I love them way better than tuna.

    • A tin of sardines over some plain white rice is delish! Or through pasta. If you don't enjoy the 90c tin, don't give up, and try some that are in olive oil. The better brands go on special regularly. Happy friday and cheers (tin of fish to tin of fish) to you ❤️
      \ Edit: I've tried a few of the Aldi herring now, perfect to mix through pasta! I also tried their smoked rainbow trout (a bit exxy at $5 a tin) also a delish treat!

      • I actually bought one in oil and one in tomato sauce.

        I’ll be trying them out in a few days time and I’ll let you know how they go. I’ve never had sardines before so the texture and taste is a mystery to me at the moment.

        Good to hear you tried the Aldi herring ones. I actually enjoyed the curry one a lot so I’ll be getting a few more of those in the future.

        I’m sort curious about the salmon ones but I’ll hold off on those for the moment.

        Cheer to you too 🐟 🍹 🐟

    • Honestly the only tuna I bother with is Sirena but they're usually the most expensive one even on special.

      Do you use the half price app? That's saved me heaps from timing treat purchases based on 50% sales at colesworth. Helps to afford the better stuff without the full price tag. You also get a sense of how often some things go on special and aren't worth ever buying at full price

      • Ah no. I haven’t used the half price app before.

        I just downloaded one but I’m not sure if it’s the same one you’re using.

        I’m usually looking online catalogues and stuff for half price but if there’s a good app for it it’ll save me heaps of time.

        • The app handily replaces the catalogue (just for 50% off which is usually what I go for). I think it'll be the same app since its the first result that comes up when you search for it. Good luck using it!

      • What is this half price app of which you speak? I'm genuinely interested and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.. or app, as the case may be.