That sounds completely reasonable
I had 2 very different weddings and neither of them lasted......i didnt have lots of flowers at either though, maybe i should decorate everything with flowers if i do it again?
Haha never know :P
Yeh everyone can throw really well, so consistency and doing well under pressure are really important. The mental part is definitely where i need to work on the most, the closer i can get in match play to the way i throw in practice the happier ill be :)
I will be competing against the big guns yes, im currently ranked 6th in Australia in the ruleset the marathon is running in. There is essentially two rules sets, standard and premier, premier requires a much higher level of accuracy but anyone can compete in either rule set. The marathons are usually capped at 24 people, so there will be a pretty big range of skills. The Asia Pacific Champs in 2 weeks is an invite only finals under the premier rule set, there were qualifiers around Australia early this year, the top 2 from each venue went straight into finals and then the rest of the spots went to the people with the highest averages in qualifying :)
Whats on for the weekend everyone? Tonight im heading to a party at Max Watts run by the Rainbow Serpent crew, should be massive!! Tomorrow night will be moving my current mead to secondary to age on oak!! Sunday i have an axe throwing marathon, its only 2 weeks till the Asia Pacific Champs and Sunday will have 10 or more of the current top 20 in Australia throwing so will be a really good warm up :)
What sort of music do you like?
Thanks, ill move the weekend plans back a couple of weeks and ill get the weed spray out this weekend instead :)
What about repotting?
Half of Melbourne seems to be a bit under the weather at the moment
Nice little regional tour
Whats on for the weekend everyone? Tonight will be pretty chill, partner has been sick and ive had a very busy week. Tomorrow morning is yoga and meditation at the buddhist centre and then a lunch/mini golf date. Saturday night will be mead and board games with friends and Sunday will be mead maintenance stuff and some small tasks for our business planning :)
I guess thats not something i ever experienced so again its not where id think to look for anything like that
I dont think ive ever borrowed a book from the library, not after school anyway. And for younger generations who basically do everything online the library is probably even less likely to be their first thought. So i dont think someone mentioning it is bad
Haha, i hope for your sake that you are correct and you get to enjoy your weekend some other way :P
Goodluck :)
Date should be okay, at least its not an app first date. Its someone i met on my snow trip who was a friend of a friend that we were staying with, so we have already spent some time together :)
Sounds like a great weekend :)
Chocolate mousse cake?