Welcome again to everybody! This is your friendly reminder, growling at the United States from Orbit is praxis Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!
We have a Matrix homeserver at genzedong.xyz. See this thread for information about our Matrix space.
We’re currently united in our sacred duty of lib dunking, once (if) it cools down some struggle sessions might arise, already seeing some fellow lemmygrad users complaining about ppb
There was a time when I would run away from the stupidity of real life to the virtual - internet, video games, books, even comics. Nowadays, I am more and more often pressed to run away from the stupidity of the virtual and into the embrace of the real. Except real life has only gotten more stupid and disappointing with years. There's nowhere left run
In a better world there would always be the embrace of comrades within walking/biking distance, or even in the communal house with mini flats and large shared areas.
When your options are fight or flight and half that is off thr table you only have one path to take. Crying alone in a fast food resteraunt while everyone pretends to not notice
Me with Games as a Service. The number of spaces you can hide in without someone using cheap psychology to try to coerce you in to buying something is approaching zero.
"Because North Korea is ebil and aggressive and wants to invade and eat all the puppies!" - would be the usual response. Source: my colleague is a koreaboo
I've taken up the monumental task of growing a tomato plant in my appartment, and it is showing signs of an actual tomato. If only my pepper seeds would sproud, I may be able to have a home grown salsa soon.
Yeah I was planning to grow them outside on a small, flat rooftop I have access to. But the summer here has been very wet and relatively cold (14-15 degrees C most days). And since my appartment has huge windows with lots of lightning, I figured it might have a greenhouse effect lol. So far it seems to be going okay.
hang on guys, I just stumbled in from the bear site. so is this like the equivalent of the hexbear megathread? I'm still really confused about how this federation stuff works
We have a daily megathread that people volunteer to do a short writeup of one topic or another and is placed in whatever comm is appropriate. Then the site uses it as basically a local twitter.
I wear an N95 everywhere and I haven't had a respiratory infection since 2019.
Libs think that I'm full of shit, but I was right about the war on terror, right want global warming, and FFS I'm right about what the mainstream medical research is stating.
Before covid I never got sick and ever since I have been dealing with infections from time to time lol. I think the masks had the opposite effect for me and really affected my immune system.
Still, masks have been such a net positve for society. I wish people continued to wear them more often, especially when they themselves have a cold or anything.
So according to some research, COVID infections cause a lot of problems with your immune system and actually increase the likelihood of getting other infections. I can link the studies is you're interested. Have you gotten COVID yet? What kind of mask are you wearing?
Moving into my new apartment; it's a first floor walk up.
Yeah it's right next to that river that splits after a waterfall and goes in two completely opposite directions. They built the place just to look at it.
Its pretty funny how they come unarmed (no theory) and get absolutely obliterated like that one dude claiming that workers owning the means of production is literally capitalism 😂
ive seen a course on the politics in contemporary china by princeton
and there too the prof said that when new legislature is being debated that the most popular legislature becomes implemented the fastest
even though china is not a democracy
and that really controversial legislature can take years
said by my taipeaboo friend.
I miss my social circle being a bunch of tankies 😭
bye Hexbear 💚
True democracy is when every x years we can vote for one out of numerous US puppets, despair that no legislation is passed to help the vulnerable, average workers and witness our infrastructure crumble while giving huge tax cuts to the wealthy.
B-but still better than those AuThOrItArIaN countries!!11
Hey does anyone know a breakdown of all the "Trump election Russian influence" thing, I read some MSM articles about it and everything seem purposefully confused and lacking any context or analysis
The Qanon anonymous podcast does a good rundown of it. There’s also a good boy boy video joking about how random the supposed Russian bot posts are too.
Just saw my roommate make an impeccable omelet, fluffy as all hell. Then he chopped it up to make breakfast burritos. Why not just make scrambled eggs bro?
did he eat the burrito right away or later? if it was right away it's definitely much better to use an omelet, if reheated later the eggs might dry making it essentially the same as scrambled eggs.
He ate it right away, why is it better to use an omelet? Unless you like crispy eggs it should be more or less the same. You can season your scrambled eggs.
All your dammed fecking informed critique of Western media. Can't I just enjoy this BBC documentary about [normal thing that literally happens everywhere but bad in China] in peace?
Got rejected by someone. Kinda expected it. Hurts but it seems like we are good and still get along. Other than that, been having a blast playing Baldur's Gate 3
"It's OK," he said. "Please don't cry. Come on in on the couch. The news will be on any. minute. We can do it there."
"It?" said Oedipa. "Do it? What?”
"Have sexual intercourse," replied Nefastis. "Maybe there'll be something about China tonight. I like to do it while they talk
about Viet Nam, but China is best of all. You think about all those Chinese. Teeming. That profusion of life. It makes it sexier,
excerpt from The crying of lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Literal Sinophile. Is this what China haters think us Dengist tankies are like?
:estonia-burning: has stated that they are not going to "West Bank" it's Russian population, unlike :latvia-burning: and :lithuania-burning: being gung-ho to do so. Of course :reddit-logo: Estonians are having a meltdown over it. Holy shit these people need to actually experience violence.
I have to ask my Lemmygrad comrades something very important. What's the official rum/cola to drink when Kissinger inevitably dies? I'm gonna get wasted on Cuba Libres and I need a good rum and cola for mixed drinks.
every year that he continues existing is another year when the technology to put your mind in a computer forever might be invented, so I wouldn't be so sure about "inevitably"
My ISP has to be rate limiting the fediverse, whenever I connect to an instance without VPN it always takes a shitton to load, but when I use a VPN on my Wi-Fi is super fast
Complaints about authoritarianism honestly feel so disconnected to actual on-the-ground problems. I do not understand how people have the ability to even begin to care about how authoritarian something is as conditions get more and more desperate.
"yo, can I have a living wage to support myself?" no, because doing so would be imposing rules on business owners and that's authoritarian
"can I at least have inexpensive or free healthcare so I can labor for you more effectively then?" no, because doing so would force insurance companies to make less money and that's authoritarian
"fine, but please, let's at least sort out the environment so humanity and massive numbers of species don't die out" sorry, but we would need to reduce the size of the fossil fuel industry and doing that is government overreach and authoritarian, also we could take solar panels from China but they're authoritarian
it's really just the ultimate cudgel. you can use it against literally any idea that anybody proposes that require even the slightest amount of coercion or force, regardless of how good or bad or necessary it actually is. it's become totally meaningless.
My boss getting to decide my hair color? Not authoritarian. Some suit deciding if I live or die with medicine prices? Not authoritarian. A government that represents my interests making sure I have access to high-speed rail and shelter? Sus, authority, red flag
I've also seen tweets like this claiming the Nigerien coupers will kill the neocolonial puppet of a president if ECOWAS sets foot into Niger, but this claim ultimately comes from anonymous US officials. I could not verify this claim that suspiciously gives justification for the invasion.
For my summer holiday, I read books in the park and played video games. No travel or anything. I don't want to be super negative, but after I really can't stand to be around travelers right now.
A French military aircraft breaching Niger airspace from Chad
Funny, a few days ago I was told it would be impossible for the French to bomb Niger, because Algeria would close their airspace. Guess there are other options?
Don't know if I'm writing Junkosreich for anyone but myself at this point. 20k words, and nobody's left a single comment. Although I suppose I shouldn't be so greedy if I'm going to write this niche garbage.
Handheld ones? Asking because the TOS-1 has been used plenty in the war, and while it's likely classified as an MLRS by the west, it's called "heavy flamethrower system" in Russian.
Yeah with the Russian military you can pretty much always translate "flamethrower" as some kind of thermobaric weapons. Flamethrowers are kids stuff when you can turn entire buildings in to dust or rip the lungs out of everyone in a bunker complex without having to get within a mile of it.
Question: I sometimes like to check out the modlog, but most of the time when I click on the removed comment to check the context (i.e. if it's someone screeching about tankies), I can see a reply to the deleted comment, but not what's above it. Clicking "show context" does nothing. Clicking "see all comments" and then searching on the page doesn't show the deleted comment or the reply to it. What am doing wrong?