The group that drafted a key blueprint for Donald Trump’s second term convened a meeting in Washington D.C. this week to consider proposals for bulldozing the European Union (EU). The Polish investigative outlet VSquare revealed that the Heritage Foundation gathered hardline conservative groups on 1...
The group that drafted a key blueprint for Donald Trump’s second term convened a meeting in Washington D.C. this week to consider proposals for bulldozing the European Union (EU).
The Polish investigative outlet VSquare revealed that the Heritage Foundation gathered hardline conservative groups on 11 March to hear how they would overhaul the current structures of the EU.
The “closed-door workshop” featured a debate on a new paper produced by the lobby groups MCC and Ordo Iuris entitled: “The Great Reset: Restoring Member State Sovereignty in the 21st Century”.
They're effectively the illuminati conspiracy theorists have been trying to find for many years now. Legit wrote up plans and published it online and they control donald trump. I don't understand why there isn't more outrage about this
Bro WTF? The US should get ZERO say regarding the EU, its membership, and its continued existence. If it wasn't clear enough for the average dumbass American, the right wing movement in the US is beholden to Russian interests. Every time they do something like this, you should be asking yourself, "who does this benefit the most?"
They are a Russian-backed terrorist organisation whose sole purpose is to destroy the Western countries and our democratic institutions, thus ending our global hegemony.
Do try. The more you try to split us apart the more we unite against common foes.
We Europeans might bicker a lot and not see eye to eye on some things, but our lands still bear the scars of mankind's worst moments. We know better and see right past the vain attempts at manipulation.
And yeah, we have some dumbass extreme-right parties in many countries (including mine) being heavily funded and/or encouraged by Russia and the US, just like we saw with Germany's AfD. But we're already taking measures against that sort of influence, thankfully.
As George Carlin once said, "you don't need a formal conspiracy when interests converge."
The Heritage Foundation and the GOP have no love for Putin and he has no love for them. They all just want the same thing in regards to the EU and NATO, but they all want it for different reasons.
Trump is too stupid to be part of a major international conspiracy. He's a useful idiot who thinks he can financially benefit from all this chaos, and that's as deep as his thought process goes. Heritage wants the EU and NATO gone because it would give the US more leverage on the world stage, and because western Europe is a Godless Liberal society where religion is dwindling and brown people are moving in. Putin wants the EU and NATO gone because it would give Russia more leverage and make it easier to expand his borders and rebuild his glorious Russian Empire.